Chapter 20 - Diving

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Hello to all of you who read this story! I'm so sorry for my sudden disappearance. My family home is being sold because my grandpa passed and that means I had to move as well. My partner's family was kind enough to take me in, but they live all the way across the country.

Florida to California. You can imagine. 

Anyhow, I touched down in California last night! It's a really big change for me that I'm trying to adjust to and that meant I had to set aside writing for a few weeks, and I'm sorry for that. 


Lockdown kept his artillery close and his disdain even closer as he set pedes on the sandy continent of Africa. His olfactory sensors were assaulted by the borage of various scents of both the pleasant and unpleasant variety.

It was bright and considerably hotter in the region than he'd been accustomed to. The ruralness of it all was welcomed in terms that he was use to 'suburbia', as the humans had called it. 

His men flanked him with keen formation and his newly acquired soldiers, if they could even be called that, followed his subordinates.

That Attinger of Earth held true to his words and delivered what he'd promised; an army.

It was a surplus and the bounty hunter quite frankly did not care for the specifics or moral ethics behind such a feat, but to call those human-made machines soldiers was undeserving and to be compared to such scrap was an insult. They were servants obeying the simplest of orders at best and a gaggle of junk at worse.

To say the "soldiers" were devoid of any and all things that could constitute a personality was the understatement of the century. They were painfully robotic, but they did follow orders and left no room for questions. He'd take it.

He'd have to, just for the time being. 

"Lockdown, sir! There's remnants of energon among the dirt particles!" Called out a shorter Quintessan.

The bounty hunter in question approached swiftly and with purpose, emerald optics zeroed in on the hand held data pad.

"Reports of a vandal and grand larceny to outpost -32°47'25.19" S 151°50'2.39" E. No casualties or reported property damage considering."

22.9576° S, 18.4904° E  to 32°47'25.19" S 151°50'2.39" E. The emerald optic bot curled his lip plate up in thought. Approximately 6,526 miles between Namibia and Base Williamton.  

Lockdown stood to full height as he sniffed at the air, a habit he'd long since grown accustomed to. His optics panned up to observe the way his ship hovered, casting grandiose shadows. His forward deepened.

"Pull the surveillance footage." He'd barked out harshly.

"Cemetery Wind has already forgone your instructions, sir. They are soon to follow suit."

Lockdown's plating slid apart with ease as he retracted his weaponry in favor of being empty handed. A sour expression colored his features as his lip plating curled indignantly. "They are not here." He growled out through clenched denta, his glare hardening. "Tell to humans to scatter, their intelligence is that of a whiny sparkling. Earthlings delay us!" His words were more so spoken to himself as he stormed past his men and newly acquired army.

The Decepticons and the girl had not been on that continent since the previous joor, they'd only just missed his bounty and that knowledge chewed at his spark like a feral animal.

Humans with such primitive ways were in no way to be considered any type of valuable ally. Their sole purpose of existence was that of servitude and destruction the planet they had the gall to call 'home'.

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