Chapter 23 - Acme

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Megatron stood back with his helm tipped toward the stars. His spark surged and fought within him violently as he handed off Lauren to his second.

The action should not have been as toilsome as it was. He'd be back for what was rightfully his; his men, his cause, and her.

Nothing would dare step in his war path. No person, no mech, nothing. A silent vow was made in the moment he watched her feet leave the earth.

He'd come back to her a victor, nothing less and always something more.

His primal desire to prove himself seemed to grow tenfold as his optics shifted to rest upon her soft features.

The way her eyes bore into him, making his metals feel too small and much too tight to vent in was seared into his processor, something she was growing increasingly proficient at. His denta gnashed.

The ache to follow her departure was immediate, tugging violently from within him. His spark grew heavier by the klik. He growled inwardly at the sensation.

He'd turn desire into fuel to get him where he needed to go, just as he'd always done.

That was two days ago, now, and the persistent burn of want, need, flickered through him with every thunderous step he took. His features twisted into a permanent snarl.

His pedes kicked up moist dirt and earthly foliage as he trudged on, paving a way for himself.

It was dark, the sky slowly becoming speckled with millions of distant stars. They were long dead, snuffed out into existence, he knew that, but time was a fickle thing.

Soon, if he kept at the pace he was going, he'd eventually intercept Lockdown's ship at the coast line. He'd act as a deterrent, a distraction of sorts. The bounty hunter was quick, his downfall would be human intelligence, however. Unless, the Quintessan went rouge, that possibility was most likely. 

Megatron came to a halt, a low rumbled clawed up his throat as he surveyed the area. The decepticon sat himself upon the muddy earth allowing himself to recline back upon a tree. 

He was tired in every sense of the word; tired of war, tired of losing, and surely tired of the wretched planet he'd been trapped on. The mech tipped his helm back, his sights casted skyward as he vented. Oh, how he longed for Cybertron once more, home

A klik of silence dragged on before Megatron relented to his offlining optics, the tenseness melting away from his rigid servos as he slipped under the veil of unconsciousness.


"How do I look? Is my dress zipped up all the way?"  He- Lauren sputtered with a flurry of her nimble hands, her nails painted a deep blue, trimmed short and neat. 

Ah, it was one of those moments again. Another snippet of her past. He'd rather liked these moments, they were... calm, serine compared to the darkness he usually was swallowed by in slumber. 

"Yes, yes! You look fine!" Came another female voice. 

Megatron could distinctly feel the way her heart hammered beneath her ribs, she sucked in a deep breath greedily to calm herself. 

Lauren smoothed her hands down over the stiff fabric of her dress, perfecting any wrinkles. Her heels squeaked on the waxed wood flooring. 

"Our next performance will be from Lauren Ridgwell," The older man flipped over aa card in hand, the spotlight on him reflected off his circular glasses. "Singing 'Separate Ways' by Journey. Give it up for Lauren!" 

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