Chapter 17: Doctor and Patient

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Chapter 17 - Doctor and Patient

When night fell, Erwin's squad and the Survey Corps returned with Eren. They managed to retrieve him from Reiner and Bertholdt, but not without a horde of casualties. You barked out instructions to your medic recruits and worked together with Mario and Niko.

You immediately rushed into surgery after hearing about Erwin getting dragged away by a Titan, but he luckily managed to avoid his arm from getting completely bitten off. It didn't look good though and Erwin was close to losing his entire arm due to how bad and deep the bite marks were. He's also lost consciousness along the way from the shock and blood loss. You managed to salvage his arm after hours of grueling surgery, but he's fallen into a coma.

After Erwin's surgery, you spent most of the night helping the other medics and recruits. Morale was low among the Survey Corps, and the enemies are still out there. Furthermore, public sentiment about the Survey Corps isn't good. You also heard that Eren has some sort of power to control the Titans and managed to save everyone.

It was a sleepless night for you as you had to stay and tend to your patients, surviving on three cups of coffee to stay alert. By the time the sun rises, you've collapsed on an empty patient bed in the ward, sneaking in sleep while you can. You luckily managed to switch shifts with another doctor and got about three hours of sleep, then went right back to work.

You've had your fair share of sleepless nights while working in Wall Sina and Rose as a civilian doctor, but the casualties were nothing compared to the ones at the Survey Corps. Titan bite marks, falling limbs, broken bones from getting trampled by horses, shrapnel injuries. It's insane. Especially after an expedition. This time the casualties were so high that doctors from Wall Rose hospitals came to help, including a certain blond-haired doctor who had a crush on you. Still does probably.

That's right, Luca Steinhauser walked through the ward's doors this afternoon and it almost gave you whiplash. He brings a hand to tousle his messy blond hair, blue eyes carrying a sheen of curiosity and excitement in them. Seeing his face inevitably reminded you of that time he confessed to you in the sponsorship dinner. Within minutes of him showing up, you could already hear excited whispers and murmurs of swooning nurses and curious female medics.

Right, you forgot he was good-looking. You started to question your taste in men. How did you go from crushing on a popular, friendly, sunshine-and-rainbows man to a cold, stoic, touch-me-and-ill-kill-you man? With a resting bitch face at that. But you'd still kiss that resting bitch face nevertheless.

"Rough night?" Luca asks as he puts on gloves, ready to work.

"Yeah, they just came back from an expedition last night," you replied and drank a cup of coffee. "Thanks for bringing in your residents here, we really needed the help."

"No problem! So this is what you Survey Corps doctors deal with. I've never seen anything like this before," Luca grimaces as a nurse reels away a Scout with a nasty bite mark on his leg.

"It's much worse when you're out there," you said, "you work on trauma wounds while looking out for Titans behind your back. Or above you. Or below."

"Yikes," Luca mutters and starts cleaning up a patient's wound. You don't talk much with him after that and you both focus on your duties.

Meanwhile, in the VIP room, Levi comes in to check on Erwin. He's been anxious ever since finding out about his arm, but he's relieved to find out that you've been able to salvage his arm and his life. You didn't get to meet Levi since the casualties came in, but Niko updated him that Erwin should be stable.

Levi crossed his arms and leaned against Erwin, watching him breathe slowly while attached to an IV drip. Levi sighs and leaves the room, nothing for him to do here other than wait for Erwin to come around.

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