Chapter 40: Lifeline

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Chapter 40 - Lifeline

When Luca, Catarina, and Johanne rendezvoused with you and the rest, they were met with a flood of new information. Catarina and Johanne broke down in tears upon hearing of Gabriel and Josef's passing in the Titan forest by Zeke's scream. There was not much you could do to console them other than offer them sympathetic words of condolences. Moreover, they were just as distraught to find out you were going to collude with the Cart and Marleyan General.

"I'm sorry about Josef," you muttered painfully to Johanne. "I couldn't—there was nothing we could do. He drank the wine.."

Johanne stifles a sob. "It's not your.. fault. We couldn't have known. Did he—do you think he died.. painfully?"

"He should have lost consciousness the moment he turned, so no, I don't think he died in pain," Hange said.

"I—I see," Johanne stammers. "So.. What do we do now?"

"We are going to stop Eren. This massacre is wrong," Hange stated. "We need as many allies as possible, so it would be a great help to us if you guys choose to fight with us. Otherwise, the option of going back to the Walls is still open."

"Not a chance!" Catarina cries out. "After what Zeke Jaeger did to Gabriel and our comrades, I can't let him get away. He's with Eren right? Then, I must go. Besides, Section Commander Y/N is still here, and I will stay with her."

You feel your heart ache at the loyalty of Catarina. She had been one of your closest subordinates since the beginning of the Military Doctors' institution, and helped rescue you from Johanne and the MPs with Gabriel.

"I'm staying with her too, this massacre is indeed wrong," Luca agrees with Catarina.

"Johanne?" Catarina glances at her.

Johanne is gritting her teeth, hands clenched tightly. You think she might decide to turn around and go home, but what she said genuinely surprised you.

"I will stay too. Now that my brother is gone, I.. I have nothing left to go home to," she says painfully. "I will help in stopping Zeke and Eren. Josef.. would have wanted me to help you guys too."

Luca and Catarina tended to you and Levi's injuries as you explained what happened to you both. You and Levi slipped in and out of sleep due to the toll the injuries were taking on your bodies.

Meanwhile, Hange, Pieck and Magath were headed back to the inner Walls in search of Jean, Mikasa, Armin, and Connie, desperate for allies. The Cart Titan agreed to lend her assistance under the condition that they captured Yelena as well.

You also instructed Hange on where to find your Siloprazole tablets in your room at the Survey Corps HQ. Although she was sceptical on whether it would work for the rest of the team, she decided to bring them along, just in case.

With Hange gone, it's just you, Levi, and what remained of your Military Doctors.

Levi was asleep. Johanne went for a walk, but you could hear faint sounds of sobbing in the distance. Catarina did the same. Now, it's just you and Luca.

You were lost in your own melancholy, wishing Mario was here. He would've been able lift the spirits of the team, would've made this whole thing much less painful and miserable, would've known what to do. You wished for his shoulder to cry on, his comforting words to rely on. He was effervescent, a glowing light in the dark, a loyal friend, and one of the best things that happened to you in the Survey Corps.

Noticing your silence, Luca comes to sit next to you while offering a warm cup of tea.

"What are you thinking about? Tell me," Luca leans his elbows on his knees.

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