Chapter 31: Beast Titan Arc Part II

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Song recommendation for this chapter:
- Look After You by Aaron Wright

Chapter 31 - Beast Titan Arc Part II

"I will lead, and you both will follow me closely," Levi instructs. "Try to slice their ankles, they shouldn't be able to notice you that quickly when you're under them. When their ankles are torn, they will lose stability and make it less likely for them to run and wreak havoc. It'll also make it easier for me to strike. I will deal the killing blows."

"Roger," you and Mario nodded. After the discussion with Erwin, you've stuffed all your emotions down your throat to focus on the mission, and it scares you at how easy it has become for you to do that.

"We need to move fast, so set your gas to the highest setting and go full speed ahead. The faster you are, the more likely you'll be able to avoid their hands."

"Yes, Captain!" you both cried out, adjusting your ODMs and preparing your sharpest blades.

"When we get to that shitty beast, I will deal with him. Don't engage the Beast Titan, we don't know what he's capable of yet," Levi said. "You both stay on the ground and look out for any incoming Titans that may attack, and warn me."

"Captain, what if you get struck down?" Mario asks.

"That won't happen," Levi scowled. "Not until I kill that coward. Are you both ready?"

"Ready," you answered. You don't miss the way Levi looks at you warily, the anxiety in his expression is all too obvious to miss. You can tell he doesn't plan on letting you stray far from him, and a part of you is worried that he'll be so distracted in keeping you alive that he might miss his chance in killing the Beast Titan.

"Levi," you said. "Do what you need to do. We don't want to be a burden to you, so please don't worry about us. Focus on the Titans, not us."

"Yeah, we got this," Mario reassured him. "Our job is to cover you."

Levi looks unconvinced. You already know he was just starting to think of a way to not let you join the battle.

"I trained with you for two months. I'm a much better soldier than I was two months ago," you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Right," Levi said, his voice worried but you can tell he's starting to remind himself of your training.

"We need to go," you said. "Commander Erwin is going soon."

Levi turns and unsheathes his blades.

The Titans are enormous and frightening, but nothing scares you more than losing sight of Mario as you zipped dangerously fast through them. You just passed the first Titan and Levi killed him in an instant, there are several more to go.

You focus your wires on the ankle of the second one and with terrifying speed, you launch yourself at the Titan's ankles. You remember Levi's technique. He has drilled it into your brain for the past two months.

Clutch on your blades tightly but allow your wrists to be flexible. Use momentum from the gas to spin yourself around and add extra power to your slices. Lift your arms above your head and rotate your hip right before you spin so that the blades go deep. When you spin, focus your eye on one point so you don't get dizzy. Force your eyes on the target. And.. cut!

Blood and steam gushes out of the Titan's ankles and you quickly withdraw yourself. You hear blades and zipping from above and you see Levi slashing the nape of the second Titan. Mario rushes in to slice away at the chunk of nape hurtling down, so that it doesn't hit you.

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