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After talking things through with Olivia, Y/n eased down a bit. They were still a bit lost during the whole vacation, but they felt less tense about it.

"Everyone gather around the dinner table in 10 minutes!" Mrs. Mo announced to the whole family.

Y/n could say that Mrs. Mo was a firm believer that good food always brought people together. Specially on a special day like the one they had.....

No one knew how special the day was, until it came to an end.....

- Y/N POV -

I had started to get used to the food in South Korea and it was actually kind of tasty.

I hadn't realized how long we would be in Korea, but I was grateful for the experience. I had never travel outside the country before.

It was even so hard for me to get a passport without my mom or my real dad, but Mr. Marsh made it work somehow.

I couldn't not be grateful about that either.

"Okay, let's say a prayer!" Mrs. Mo told everyone at the dinner table.

I was so confused. Prayer within The Marsh-Mo Family was more reserved for special occasions and bad days.

"Okayyyy," Dani seemed confused too.

We all bowed our heads down as Mrs. Mo started to pray. I wasn't even really paying attention, until she said.... "And bless the new adult in our family, Y/n".

I was so confused, until the prayer ended and Mr. Marsh yelled out... "Happy Birthday, Bud!!"

"It's your birthday?!" Dani asked, looking a bit offended.

"No wonder my parents were babying you all day!!" Olivia giggled out.

I dropped my head out of embarrassment.

I didn't know the Mrs. Mo & Mr. Marsh actually knew when my birthday was.

"We knew you probably didn't want anyone to know it was your birthday, but we wanted to give you a good day either," Mr. Marsh suddenly pulled something out of his pocket and placed it in front of me.

It was car keys.

I looked up at him a bit confused.

"You're one of our kids now. Is kind of a tradition for us to give our kids a car on their 18th birthday," Mr. Marsh explained.

I gulped a bit nervously.

I didn't like any part of his explanation.

"I can't take this. I already owe you enough. I can't effort a car on top of that," I tried to be as polite as I could.

"Take it. You'll need it when we get back home anyway. Danielle won't be around to drive you to work," Mr. Marsh insisted.

"Umm," I cleared my throat a bit.

"Well, at least let me pay you back for it. I'd feel more comfortable knowing it's mine if I put some money into it," I tried to compromise with him.

Mr. Marsh stared at me for a second, before sighing out... "Fine. If that's the only way to get you to accept our gift!"

I sighed of relief at his answer.

"Daddyyyy!" Dani suddenly started to whine.

"Why didn't you tell me that it was Y/n's birthday!!" She started to playfully hit Mr. Marsh.

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