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Olivia had come home to be a good sister, but Y/n was on edge and didn't know how to act.

Y/n was being cautious and sensible with everything...

But Olivia was right when she said that Y/n was triggered.

- Y/N POV -

"Okay, Dad went fishing with some friends so just relax," Mom told me as soon as I got downstairs.

"Yeah, come watch movies with me!" it sounded like Oli was already up and causing havoc in the house.

"Go, go. I'll bring over some fresh pancakes for you. Don't worry. Just relax a bit," Mrs. Mo was trying to get me to calm down....

As she always did on the weekends.

"Okay. Thank you," I gave her a respectful bow.

I think it was obviously who had a major influence in my life in the recent weeks.

I got a blanket from the nearest closet and then made myself comfortable on the sofa opposite to Oli.

"What are you watching?" I asked.

"Some old show," Oli answered.

I yawned a bit and quickly realized what she was watching.

"That's not old!" I whined.

"It was made in 2005. It's old!" Oliva whined back.

I gasped in offense.

It wasn't so much that the show wasn't old. It was more like I had grown up watching really old shows.

My parents were much older than Mr. Marsh and Mrs. Mo...

And as much as I didn't like remembering my past...

It didn't hurt to remember the good part about it.

Like the music my parents used to listen to... or the shows... or just...

Not the bad parts.

"Uncultured," I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Oh, yeah? What's old to you? Let me see!" Oli sassed me as she threw the remote at me.

I was actually pretty surprised by Oli's behavior.

She always gave me attitude and was nice sometimes, but she wasn't this receptive to me.... unless it benefited her... or her sister...

"Okay, then let's put on Who Framed Roger Rabbit," I raised my eyebrow.

"I'll do you one older!" Olive quickly responded.

"What?" I gave her a bit of attitude.

"Back to The Future!" She exclaimed.

"Ooooohhhhh, okay!" I started to get excited.... but quickly realized something...

"Wait? How do you know it's older?" I asked.

"Google!" Oli started laughing.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Wait, okay. I got one!" I smirked.

"Popeye with Robin Williams!" I knew I had won.

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