Chapter 26

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Once the weekend rolled around, Blaine and I stopped by the General Store to grab some party supplies. The bell on the door rang when we stepped inside. Eddie was stocking shelves on a ladder, and my mother rang through a customer as she stood behind the cash register. When she spotted us, her smile lit up the entire store, even though I could tell she was both confused and curious to see Blaine. I hadn't told her he decided to return home for me. She wasn't going to be happy about it. If there were another store in Moose Creek where we could've gotten the supplies we needed, I would've shopped there. She said her goodbyes to the customer and hugged me in the middle of the store.

"Ivy, honey. I'm so happy to see you." Mom said, holding me close. "Everything okay?" she whispered in my ear.

The following words were just sitting on my tongue: I fucked everything up. My relationship with the Wyatt brothers and the reputation of our entire family is ruined if anyone finds out what I've done– and oh, by the way, Blaine's back.

I didn't respond; I just nodded and watched Eddie hop off the ladder and shake Blaine's hand.

"What brings you back to Moose Creek, Blaine?" Mom asked, watching me with concern. "I thought you had at least two more weeks left in France."

"Yeah," he shrugged and looked down at me with a proud smile. Oblivious to my mental distress, Blaine weaved his fingers through mine and kissed the back of my hand. "I decided to come back for Ivy."

"For Ivy?" Mom asked. "I don't understand. She seemed to be doing just fine without you."

"Mom -"

I know she didn't mean to sound cruel, but she did.

"Well, it's true," she said, watching me closely. "What changed? You should've stuck it out. College was only a few weeks away, and you would've been back together in no time."

He shrugged, and I could tell by the way his jaw ticked he was trying not to take offence to my mother's remarks and remain polite. "Actually, I wouldn't have been back because I was offered a full year of paid tuition at the University of Paris. I came back when Ivy didn't want to come with me."

I could see a flash of unease on her face. "I see."

"It's good to have you back, Blaine." Eddie broke the tension with his kind words.

Thank God for Eddie.

"So, did you come in for a quick hello, or were you looking for something?" Mom asked.

Blaine nodded. "I'm throwing a going-away party for Rhys tonight. I need solo cups, plates, napkins and some fancy decorations."

"Oh, is that so?" Mom asked and glanced over at me. I couldn't help but blush. She'd always known about my little infatuation with Rhys Wyatt. "I didn't know he was back in town. Where's Rhys headed?"


"He's not going back to USC?" Eddie asked.

"Nope," Blaine mumbled. "He's hoping to get his music career going again."

I could feel Eddie's eyes watching me. Why was he looking at me? I refused to make eye contact with him. He'd see the guilt all over my face.

"Good for him." Mom said, placing a few cans of corn on a shelf. "Your brother was always incredibly talented. I remember him and Eddie jamming on their guitars late at night in our basement and playing gigs at Jones Tavern. He was quite the performer."

I took a deep breath, watching Eddie scowl and do the same. God, he looked pissed. I wondered if music was the sore spot between them, and then I told myself to stay out of it. To stay out of Rhys's life for good.

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