Chapter 29

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The constant pounding on the right side of my head reminded me last night wasn't a terrible, horrible dream. My entire body ached and hurt so much I could hardly move my limbs. I tried to focus on anything other than the pain, but it was next to impossible. I deserved every punch Blaine threw at me. I was a fucking awful brother and an even worse friend. After Ivy left, Blaine locked himself in his bedroom, and with much effort, I pulled myself up off the ground, told everyone the party was over, and made my way down to the bunkhouse. There was no point in trying to talk to Blaine. I had already done and said enough.

When I walked back into the ranch for breakfast, I had no idea what to expect and saw Blaine standing in the kitchen. His back was facing me as he stared out the window. He wore the same clothes he had worn the night before. They were stained with dirt and spattered with my blood. Slowly, he turned to face me. His eyes were hollow and bloodshot, and his face was sullen and pale. He looked like shit. He probably didn't sleep a wink. I could only imagine I didn't look much better.

"I thought you'd be gone," he hissed.

My head hurt so much, and memories of last night started to flood my brain. I wished I could block them out. I wished I could rewrite the past. I wished more than anything Blaine would forgive me. Memories of seeing Ivy walk away from both of us made my heart painfully thump, and I begged it to calm down.

"I probably shouldn't be driving anywhere," I hobbled toward him and propped myself against the kitchen island. My legs felt weak and sore. I needed some support. "At least until some of the pain goes away. You throw a mean left hook," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"How could you, Rhys?" Blaine's voice faltered. He was unable to look at me. "How could you fuck her? How could you do that to me?"

"Blaine," my voice was scratchy, my throat raw. "I'm so sorry. I am. But I love her. I think I always have."

"You love her? God, Rhys...of all the girls in the world, you just had to have Ivy? I can't believe my brother betrayed me like this. I trusted you. After our fight, I even asked you to move her back into the ranch because I trusted you. And you fucked her..." his voice was strained. He exhaled heavily and swallowed before running a hand through his hair. "You fucked Ivy." When he exhaled those three words, it was as if the reality of it all physically knocked the wind out of him. He gripped the countertop and clenched his jaw. I noticed his knuckles were still raw and red from attacking me. "I gave up everything to be with her. I chased after Ivy for all of high school, even though Veronica loved the hell out of me. I turned down Dartmouth. I turned down Paris. And all this time, you loved her...and she loved you...I was the fucking fool."

"You have every right to be angry with me," was all I could say.

He looked up at me, and I watched his eyes shift through multiple emotions before he relaxed and his features settled on one.

"I wish you'd just told me how you felt about Ivy," he ran a hand down his face. "All these years, Rhys? Sure, it would have hurt. You always got the girl...and of course, you did again. But it would have been so much better than you two pretending all these years. You should have told me, Rhys. It would have been way better than how I found out."

"You're right. I should have told you ages ago. I wished and hoped my feelings for Ivy would eventually go away...I knew how much you loved I tried to stay away...but being in close quarters with her was...challenging."

He raised his head, and his eyes suddenly looked exhausted, like he hadn't slept all night. "You were the last person I thought would hurt me, Rhys."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and tried not to let my emotions get the better of me.

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