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Karl stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of the Starlight Lounge and noticed that Achim stuck close behind him. The twin suns had passed overhead with their well charted path towards the western horizon. The air carried a metallic scent as the wind drifted from the direction of the Starport. Something was burning, either off from a ship or being expelled by one of the vents that sat on the outer perimeter of the complex. Karl spat to the side as he turned from the lounge and headed up the street back towards his hovercraft. As Karl walked, he spoke over his shoulder.

"Do you know where I'm talking about, kid? Bunt's, I mean," Karl asked. A hoverbike coasted down the street and drew Karl's immediate attention. The coat that the pilot wore, a duster. It could have meant nothing, but it could have meant that the danger was already close. Karl knew he was not that hidden in the south side of town, even if he did not try to publicize where he lived.

"That bunker bar near the cliffs. I thought only miners were allowed to go there," Achim said.

"It's not that they are the only ones allowed, it's because the miner's frequent that area the most that it carries a reputation as being a miner's only place. They certainly take care of their own, but I know Bunty. He can provide a quiet area where we can meet-up and all talk about what we found."

"I'm supposed to report in," Achim said.

Karl stopped and looked back, he saw the kid wince at his words. The tension was thick and it was clear from Karl's pursed lips and deep breath that he was not in the mood for reminders. Karl exacerbated the matter when he asked in a strained voice, "Were you, kid? You want to tell Marks why you shot Lono? Because if I'm going in, I'm spilling on you too you little prick," Karl snapped.

"I didn't mean it like that. I mean... Well, what am I supposed to do?" Achim spat and held his hands out in resignation to their situation. He looked to Karl to provide some direction, some course that he could follow.

Karl saw a direction, but felt a sense of disquiet looking at the kid. He didn't know Achim, the first time Karl met him he held a gun on him, the second time they met and Achim had dispatched Lono and was looking to now help him. That act, Karl had to trust in Achim's actions and fight against any natural suspicion that he now had. Sighing, Karl stepped forward and clapped Achim on the shoulder.

"Right now, you need to make yourself scarce on this side of town. Go somewhere else for a while... meet me back here and we'll head to Bunty's place. From there we can talk about what we know about that tower complex."

"You ever actually been aside? See the rest of the money yourself?" Achim asked.

"No," Karl said, "That was the first day I saw the complex that the Hochar is staying at. It's going to require some time to find what floor he's staying on before we can make our move. I might need to talk to some people before we make our move, but right now we have to avoid the rest of the Syndicate. Go back and get whatever things you think you need. If you meet me here in an hour, you're in, and we can all have a chance to make our fortunes."

"If I'm not?" Achim asked.

Karl narrowed his eyes. Why did the kid have to ask those lingering questions? Those gaffs managed to cast aspersions upon Achim about marching straight to someone like Vennet to sell Karl and Tangiers out. Karl clapped Achim's shoulder again, but this time his hand gripped and held him fast as Karl looked hard into Achim's eyes, "If you're not here, then the next time I see you kid, you better not miss. Make sure to tell our friends that, too."

The two broke off and Karl resumed walking up the street to his hovercraft. When he reached his vehicle, he paused to scan the neighborhood once again. There were little things that seemed normal, but had begun to bother him. A few Humans waited for civil transport to another part of the city. Several hovercrafts and hoverbikes passed by. A delivery drone passed overhead, hauling a parcel to someone who lived nearby. As Karl looked, he watched Achim make his way towards his bike.

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