Chapter Six

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Chapter Six ~ Desires


Ance was nice.

Nice until she thought her boyfriend was going to propose to me...hehe...meanwhile, I had only gone out with him to buy a ring for her. Ben, her boyfriend, had plans to propose to her the following week, but unfortunately, she had confused the situation and made a big deal out of nothing. And now their relationship was strained, she somehow managed to place the blame squarely on me.

Sometimes, I rethink my good deeds.

"Ance,I say curtly, ignoring her glare as I reach the front desk of the restaurant where Addison worked part-time. It wasn't much but it was a huge restaurant, where even the rich visit once in a while. Last night, after that creepy message came in, I decided I had to inform Addie. Maybe I was losing my mind and didn't know. Maybe that message meant nothing and I was just the one reading unnecessary meanings into a random message. Right now, I'm not sure of anything that's why I need clarity, and the only person who can help me see reason is my best friend.

"Addison is not here" She snapped, still glaring.

I turned to her, trying to maintain composure, "Could you tell me where she went?"

"She's busy," she retorted, rolling her eyes with disdain.

Frustration simmered within me. "But you just said she isn't in," I countered, my patience wearing thin.

"Well, unlike you," she smirked, her tone laced with condescension, "Some of us actually have to work for our food and money. Some of us have to earn a living." Okayyy, wow?

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Not everyone enjoys the luxury of being the Kolton's child," she sneered, My hands were itching to slap her. This girl was so stupid.

"You have no idea what you're talking about," I retorted, struggling to keep my voice even and the anger swelling within me, in check. "You think you know me, but you don't know a thing about me."

"Yeah, right. That's what they all say"

Before I could utter another word, Addison appeared, sensing the tension. "What's going on here?" Her concerned gaze darted between Ance and me.

Ance wasted no time in interjecting, her words sharp and pointed. "Your friend here thinks she's too good for the rest of us. She's been living in a bubble of privilege her whole life."

I clenched my fists, my patience waning as I took a step closer to Ance, ready to give her that slap of sense I've been wanting to since she opened her mouth to speak. "Don't you dare pin your issues with Ben on me, you bitch!" I fired back.

Addison's eyes widened in surprise, quickly stepping between us, trying to diffuse the tension. "Hey, what's going on? Ance, calm down. Ava, what's happening?"

"She's the one stirring things up, accusing me of things she knows nothing about," I explained, trying to steady my breathing.

Ance huffed, crossing her arms defiantly. "I've had enough of her holier-than-thou attitude."

Addison shot a pointed glance at Ance. "Bitch, what the fuck?" Addie's stern words made Ance swallow whatever insult she had in mind. "I've had enough of you insulting my best friend." Addie released me and slowly approached Ance, a death glare etched on her face. "One more word from you, and I'll make sure you replace that plastic nose and teeth."

"Whatever" Ance rolled her eyes, attempting to dismiss the confrontation, but Addie swiftly grabbed her by the collar, forcing her attention back. The look of shock and fear on Ance's face had to be funny because Ance was clearly intimidated by Addie. Ance feared Addie, not me.

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