Chapter 9 :

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Note: i forgot Ndot had broken his leg and the whole time i've been writing it like it is not broken. (am i the only one who didn't know Ndot had an older brother???) Also this is an chapter that i made cause i was bored,and yes there well still be an new chapter out on tueday! 

(this song reminds me of them so much lol)

Time skip : December 24 2023 :  5:00pm \

location : a local supermarket

Ndot pov :

After the whole dd thing RTP has been on edge,they know there's a rat. "Why did you help him?" I have been asking myself the same question for the last 24 hours. David has been in my mind a lot after the hookup. So when i found out about the ambush i felt entitled to help him. After all he did help me,my leg healed surprisingly fast and I can kinda walk. I would have died if it wasn't for him,and because of that I feel like I belong to him. And that if it wasn't for him I would have died, i know it's wrong to think this way.But I can't help it. I feel weird about David,weirder than before. I knew I liked him but I think him more now. I'm not the best when it comes to love so i don't know what's going on with me.

I snap back to reality when I feel a slight pain in my leg,it was a kid. He looked about 7 or 8 years old,he was trying to push the cart and ran into me. "Move out the way nigga" the little kid said "lil dude i dont know who to fuck you talking to like that" i move over to him. "Aint you that nigga Ndot?" he asked. "Your music is shit" I looked at this kid,he was wearing nike tech. "you know it's almost Christmas right?" I asked him. " I know Santa is going to get me a ps5". At that moment i knew a fact that could and his whole career,i should be the bigger person or stoop down to his level.

And that's what I did. I walked in front of him snooping down, I then looked him in the eye and said "that's why Santa Claus isn't real". I watched as the kid started to cry,he then ran off crying more. People looked at me like i was an monster,but i didnt give an fuck. I then pushed my cart to the next aisle moving on with my day. I got to the cereal  aisle,I had a sudden craving for some Reese's puffs. As I'm walking down the aisle I see the little kid again,he is with someone that looks my age. The kid turns around and sees me again. He tugged on the dude sleeve,"see i told you Ndot was here,beat him up!"

I walked closer to them,the dude then turned around. It was David,we just looked at eachother.This was the first time I saw him in person after the hookup. But the thing is we were in public and people were starting to look at us. I then gave him the "the fuck we do look",i then told him to "hit me" in spanish. I just hoped no one knew Spanish near us. David then punched me in the face. Then i fell,david was stong ass fuck not ganna lie. It was so strong it had me seeing stars for a bit\.

Then I heard " TAKE IT OUTSIDE HOODLUMS" David then said "catch me outside" he then walked away. I felt a liquid running down my nose,my nose was bleeding. I then got up and took my cart and went to the self checkout. Everyone was watching me,mostly because they just saw me get my ass beat. Probably one of the most embarrassing moments in my life. I finished scanning my items, paid and left.I walked to the back where the car was. I open the back seat and put the bags in. I saw my brother on his phone,I closed the backseat door and opened the passenger seat door. 

I sat down on the seat,putting the seat belt on. "Nigga the fuck happend to you?!?" My brother passed me an napki. I used it to stop my bleeding nose. "You getting your blood all over my fucking sit" he yelled. "Nigga just fucking drive" i told him. I wasn't really even mad if anything I wanted to text DD. He then hit me on the back of my head,"Watch who you talking to lil nigga" He then started the car. I then put my airpods in,and start listening to music.

LAST NOTE : The next chapter is ganna be GOOD,im also going to end this book at 12 chapters. Idk if im ganna write an new one,BUT winter break is coming up soon and i have 1 more week of school till then. So who knows i may upload more books or even a sequel to this one but an different ship. Anywho see yall on Tuesday! 🤭

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