chapter 12 : If you got a problem smd

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Note: in this book RTP and YGz are the same gang,

TW : use of slurs

........................LONG TIME SKIP............................

Jan 8 2024

3th person pov :

David was asleep in his room when he heard a voice. "YO dd,you check your socials?" David opened his eyes to see his best friend standing in front of him. "Nigga,what fuck is you talking about?" He said sitting up in his bed,Darrian then sat beside him on his bed. "Remember this?" 

Flash back

(dd pov) 

 'You even listening to me?" Xaiver asked,he looked sad. "Oh sorry my heart,I was just thinking about us," I told him. We were walking in the park,it was really dark outside and it was cold. So we thought because it was late we chould go on a midnight stroll in the park. "It's okay" Then we continued to walk,he took my hand. I smiled at him and he smiled back. We were walking in silence but comfortable silence.

As we were walking I heard a voice yell at us. "AYO DD" I cleansed my gun,and looked back. It was a dude,a fan maybe. The dude then ran off. "Yo let's hurry up and get back to my crib,lil drive u home" I say to Xaiver. We then walked faster to my house.

 End of flashback

David pov: 

"Yeah,i remember that" i told him,"well nigga theres more" he then showed me an 2 min long video of me and Ndot kissing. Not just kissing but MAKING OUT type kissing. "Get that shit out my face fam" I then pushed Darrian's phone out my face. "What are you gonna do?' he asked me. "I don't know,imma talk to xavier and see what he wants to do" I said. "Ok then" Darrian then walked out my room, closing the door. 

I then took my phone,and I saw the texts from people. I just ignored them,im not trying to deal with this shit. "Hey siri, call xavier" "calling xavier" siri said. I watched as the phone ran "Hi,sorry I had thought I lost my burner phone" xavier explained to me. "So you see the video?" he asked. "Yup i saw it" I told him. "Imma be honest i didn't regret kissing you"  Xavier said. I then started to die of laughter. "Nigga you out here making jokes!" i the laughed even more. 

"Ok,ok but for real though what we gonna do" i asked. "Imma just post sum telling niggas to stay out my fucking business" Xavier said laughing. "Bae,you can't just say that,people gonna hate on us" I told him. "Do i give an fuck?" he then said "bicth NO" I then laughed even harder then before. "DAVID SHUT YOUR ASS UP" I heard Jay say. "NIGGA MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" I yelled back to him. "Oh shit,i just got an texted from the group chat" he sounded scared  "They wanna have a meeting to talk about are "situation."  Xavier said. "They want to have it right now??" Xavier said surprised. "Fuck i have to go" Xavier said. "Wait before you go,promise you won't break up with me!" I asked him. 

"I don't care what they do to me, I'm not breaking up with you" he then said. "Ok bye bye" he then hung up. "One of these day imma slap that nigga the next time he hung up on me" I though to myself.

Ndot pov:

 Well lets hope i make this meeting out alive,i know what type of shit they gonna do to me. Well i gusse i had it coming,atfer all i did fuck with the opps. I then got out of my bed and got ready. After I walked out the door,and took my car,Yes im too young to drive,do i care? No

As I made it to the trap house it hit me,I was basically setting myself up to die. But lucky for me,I remember something. I pulled up to the house,and parked my car. I then pulled out my back-up gun from the glove compartment,I then took it,and got out of my car. I locked the car with my key,and walked to the door. I opened the door and I met with Bando. He then puched me in the face. I didn't fight, I knew it was coming. My nose then began to bleed,AN LOT. If fact i got blood on my WHITE shoes.

"Chill on the nose," I told him. "Nigga you lucky i aint kill u yet." he then walked away, and i followed him. As we walked through the house I saw the look people gave me,people who I once called friends. They all looked disgusted. "F*G" i heard a voice yell. I knew this was coming,but I can't say those words didnt hurt. We then made it to the living room. Almost everyone I knew in the gang was there. "So you gay now?" Tdot asked me. He had been in charge since Dthang got locked up.

"I haven't really figured out the label part" I said honestly. "So you like niggas?" he asked. "I mean if an person is fine there fine,i dont give an fuck about whats in there pants.'' I explained to him. "That's what i like about you,your ass always jokes in serious situations" He then laughed. Everyone looked at us,waiting for us to say something. "So you like being dicked down by opps?" I can tell he's trying to make me mad, he's trying to make sure I don't sue. "I mean who doesn't? You should try it sometime" I told him.

Before I knew it,he shot at me. He didn't hit me,but the bullet hit an inch away from my head. "Im tried of this nigga" He said to the dude beside him. He was one of the only people i didn't know,maybe he was a new guy or sum. He took the gun from Tdot and walked towards me. I was prepared for a fight,but something unexpected happened. The gun fell out of the dude's hand,it looked like someone shot it. We all looked towards the sound.

 "What yall niggas doing to my lil bro?" I heard a voice say. The voice then closer. "Yall niggas miss me?" It was the one and only "DANIEL??" Tdot said getting up from the couch. "Chill on the gov name mh" he then walked over to us. He patted my head and said,"Why aint you kill him?". "I dont know" i say honestly. Dthang put his gun on the coffee table,and turned back to me. "You know if it wasn't for a certain person I would have shot your ass when I saw you" he then laughed. It was probably Kay flock who pulled a favor for me.

"So we just gonna let him off?" Tdot asked. I watched Daniel then walked to Tdot,and wragps his hand around Tdot's shoulder. "Are we gonna kill him for being gay for sum?" Daniel asked him. He then whispered something in Tdot's ear making him blush. "You said we would ever speak of that incident!" Tdot was obviously embarrassed. Dthang just chuckled,he then kissed Tdot forehead. "What the fuck" I say outload. "Nigga shut your ass up lil nigga,before i beat your ass" 

1 hour later

3th person pov

After the whole Xavier almost got killed and Dthang "saved" him,they all went on live to talk about the situation. "dd,request to join" Xavier told him. Soon Dthang,xavier and dd were all one live. The live had over 40k views on it,after it it was the first time they saw Dthang in an bit. "Ok imma just say it,Xavier is fucking gay and if anyone of yall niggas have an problem with it then smd". Dthang had seen all the shit people were saying about Xavier and he didn't appreciate it in the slightest. "Nigga i aint gay" Xavier said in live. 

 "Nigga are we not dating??" David asked him. The live then began to pull up with chats. "Not someone calling yall fruity pebbles" Dthang said, laughing at them. "Yall niggas are mean" Xaviers laughed. "Yo,"Nick" come say that shit to my face" Dthang looked triggered. "What happened?" Xavier asked. "This nigga nick said "you support f*gs cause you are one". Dthang then went off on dude. "God damn,bros not holding back" Ndot thought to himself. "AND BEFORE YOU EVER OPEN YOUR BIG LIP BABOON LOOKING ASS MOUTH,THINK ABOUT WHO THE FUCK YOU TALKING TO LIL NIGGA" Dthang yelled in the phone. "Ok Dthang we get the point" an comment said. "Yeah Dthang it aint that deep,dont let them toxic fans get to u" David said.

After that whole thing, things want back to normal in the drill scene. OY then became somewhat friendly with the YGz,and both gang stop dissing eachother in songs. Ndot and dd even collaborated on a song dthang,which was on huge hit with over 80M stream on Spotify.

NOTE: i wound like to thank all of yall for reading my book!!! Who know i may write an new one,or go ghost for an year who knows lol. ANYWHO MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOILDAY TO YALL!!! 


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