Chapter Two

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The last two weeks of the school year passes in a haze of weed nicked for the Hufflepuffs by the greenhouses, and expensive booze from the Slytherins. The strange group stayed with one another as much as they could as the summer drew close.

Barty, Remus and found out, liked his father about as much as Regulus did; which was a pretty way of saying not at all. The Gryffindor understood then just what held the two snakes together as they tried so desperately to be the perfect sons for people that they all knew would never care. As they each slowly stopped caring as well.

Evan came from a house much like that of the Blacks, but he didn't fit with their views as much as he should have, not when the boy had asked Remus about motorcycles, and had already tried to enlist the Gryffindor's help in stealing one. He had already successfully gotten Pandora's help in figuring out the runes that would be necessary to let it fly similarly to that of the way that a broom does, something that the lion was sure was at the least three kinds of illegal- and was just as sure that he would be helping in. Remus had no doubt in his mind that his already extensive criminal record - both muggle and magical - would be expanding sooner or later, but he couldn't find it in himself to truly mind. Not when he and Regulus were already researching charms to replicate a muggle bike, and were going to ask Dora to help them modify the spell so that it wouldn't break down as fast as most products of spells like the Gemini curse tended to do.

Pandora was probably the tamest of them all in her reasons for the dislike of summer, simply not wanting to be without the others if she could help it. But Remus pitied anyone that had Bellatrix as an in - law, even though the girl said that they never saw much of her or Dora's brother since the wedding. Even less since the pure blood families started having more and more political meetings. Since the war.

Regulus didn't want to go back for the most obvious reasons of them all and Remus couldn't fault him for that, not when Sirius had fled during the Christmas holidays as he did. Not since the Gryffindor boy was sure that Regious had helped Sirius run, leaning the flu powder by the fireplace, though the older Black brother was too full of himself to realize such a thing.

Remus found himself holding onto the others just as tightly as the promise of returning to St. Edmund's loomed over the boy's head. Though the Gryffindor was now one of the oldest boys in the home, summer still meant two months of no magic and being locked away in a room with silver bars on the windows and door as the moon came. It meant two months of breaking into places and stealing smokes, or fighting with the boys that still thought that he was a decent target, and being someone tray he knew James would never be able to look in the eyes if he were to meet him.

So they stayed close to one another.

You could never find one of them without at least one of the others, much to the dismay of the Gryffindors who so clearly did not approve of the unlikely inter house friendship, and the fear of the other Slytherins.

After leaving the Gryffindors outside of the Great Hall, the group made their way down to the dungeons, somewhere that Remus had never liked going to before but liked it then. He liked the music that he could hear coming from the other side of the Slytherin common room door, and liked that as dinner ended the snakes made their way down to the posh room as well and moved the tables out of the way. Alcohol and juice for the younger years were brought out, and Remus watched as the beginnings of a Slytherin party came about.

At the beginning, the lion thought that it would be like the Gryffindor parties: music, drinks, and dancing, but that theory was disproved quickly enough when a dueling lame was created.

"Illegal dueling?" Remus asked, and Regulus looked at the boy in a calm, almost appraising manner.

"You gonna tell on us, Mr. Prefect?" The other boy asked, a sly smile on his lips.

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