Chapter nineteen

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They never told Remus where they lived.

After James and Lily had gotten married, the pair had each moved out of the flats that they'd been renting and into a small house owned by the Potter family in Godric's Hollow.

Sirius had come with them.

There was no need for anything like a secret keeper, they weren't being hunted anymore than any of the other members of the Order, but they never did tell Remus that they each had moved or to where. Not when they had thought that he was a spy.

(He was, just not for the side that they had thought. Not for a side that they had known existed at all)

They never told Remus where they lived, and yet the Friday after the Order meeting there was a knock at their door and Lestrange was on the other side.

"Evening," the younger girl greeted as Lily opened the door.

"How-?" The former Gryffindor asked, her voice raspy.

"Our Rem is very gifted in magic," the girl says with a soft smile that the lion didn't truly believe as well as she might once have. "A tracking spell didn't exactly take much effort. Or any at all."

Lily nodded uncomfortably, she'd had gotten the same impression the week before.

"I thought we were meeting you at the drop point later," the older witch asks as she steps aside to let the other girl in.

"We were," Pandora says simply as she steps into the entry hall, following the redhead further into the house, "but studies show that it isn't safe for pregnant women to travel by apparition, so here we are."

"Pregnant?" Lily choked as they stepped into the living room, her voice low as if to keep others from hearing. Pandora could hear the laughing voices of two men from the kitchen in the next room over, it wasn't hard to figure out who.

"Oh," Pandora says softly, her voice holding that dreamy note that it always did, "you didn't know. Well, now you do."


"Hello, Potter. Black," the former Ravenclaw greeted as the two men walked into the room, confusion on each of their faces. "Good, you're both dressed. We can leave now then."

Pandora held out her arm for the other three to grab, a bracelet decorating the younger girl's wrist that seemed to be in the shape of a snake eating its own tail. The others grabbed on hesitantly and watched with wide eyes as the former eagle tapped the metal band and it began to spin, as did the world around them.

The next thing that any of them knew they were inside of another house, the walls white in a way that felt homely instead of gold as the sun casted a golden hue around the open living room and the kitchen at their backs. There was a couch and a couple chairs in the living room, a coffee table at the center of them covered in papers that didn't match the otherwise clean feeling of the room. Two of the chairs were occupied by familiar figures, each holding a book.

"Are those muggle books?" Sirius asked, immediately wanting to take his words back as his brother looked at him with a too blank expression.

"They are," Regulus confirmed shortly as he stood and walked over to the group, Evan following the other snake.

The younger Black brother holds out his hand and Lestrange hands over the bracelet without any other form of indication. Regulus immediately passes it off to Rosier, who'd had some sort of bag ready. The three moved easily with one another, with an ease that Sirius and his brother had lost a long time ago.

Sirius scowled at the sight.

Lily opened her mouth to say something, the tension in the room becoming too much even for her, but music followed quickly by an angry scream and the patter of feet cut the young woman off.

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