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Rudransh had seen a lot of princesses. He had been looking for marital prospects himself not too long before, so he had met quite a few. While all of them shared traits like knowledge and beauty, he had never come across a princess who carried herself like a warrior going into battle. It was admirable, yet strange at the same time. 

"Welcome to Vibhava, Princess Nila." he greeted, walking down the stairs. "I hope your journey here was comfortable."

"It was." she smiled cordially. "Thank you for the arrangements, Your Majesty. I have heard that the people of Vibhava are benevolent, but I didn't expect just how much. It's incredible to see."

She had a good hold on diplomacy. That was always a benefit, ruler or not. "I hope all the arrangements that we have made are to your liking. My wife, Lasya, is fascinated by southern culture. She always has been, so she might have gone overboard. If it's too much for you, please don't hesitate to let someone know. We won't take any offence to it."

The princess chuckled lightly. "I've met Her Highness once before during Pongal, one of the most celebrated festivals in my kingdom. She had accompanied her father to discuss how we stored our grains effectively during monsoon to help the people. If she's anything like how I remember her to be, then I won't expect anything less."

Lasya had met Princess Nila? She didn't tell Rudransh anything about it. Before he could respond, the person in question walked over with a tray of sweets that Vibhava was known for. It was their way of welcoming royalty. "I'm so sorry for not being able to welcome you at the—"

She stopped short upon noticing her, her eyebrows widening to the size of saucers. "You! I've seen you before. During a festival. Do you remember me? You disappeared into the market before I could ask you for your name. What a coincidence for us to meet to meet here!"

Rudransh cleared his throat rather awkwardly. 

"You're Princess Nila?!" Lasya exclaimed after the wheels in her head clicked into place. The princess chuckled lightly. She tried to wrap her head around the situation. "Why were you sneaking around the village during the festival then? You had me worried."

"That was not my intention, Your Highness." she managed calmly. "I tend to celebrate festivals as one among the people rather than as a royal. It's much more fun. I had to leave because I couldn't let you figure it out. My mother would have been furious."

"And your father?" Lasya asked, curious.

"He would have been angry as well, but he would have understood where I was coming from because he pulled the exact stunt when he was my age too." she said with a laugh, easing the tense atmosphere. "That's why I love my father as much as I do. He gets me."

Rudransh smiled because he could understand that. His father had been one of the most amazing people in his life right until the point where he died. After that, he became the most amazing person Rudransh had ever known. "I totally understand."

"Before I forget, I apologize for arriving a day earlier than what you expected." Princess Nila stated, thanking Lasya as she took a sweet. She smiled when the latter coerced her into taking a few more. "I had no idea that the mountainous terrain would have such good roads. It made the journey way quicker. I considered staying in a guest house until tomorrow, but my instincts told me that it wouldn't be right."

"You made the right choice, Princess." he assured. "This is your first time in Vibhava. Staying in a guest house is out of the question."

With that, he led her inside the palace. Nila observed everything, taking her own time. Rudransh had no issues. While she admired the palace, he took the time to admire his gorgeous wife. Lasya was always beautiful, but she looked ethereal with damp hair. Smiling to himself, he plucked a yellow lily from a vase and discreetly tucked it in her hair. 

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