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Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Couldn't stay away. Let's gooo.


Things had been a little too pleasant at the palace for a few weeks. Normally, that would have made Lasya happy, however, it just made her more worried because Queen Dwija and Roop were still staying with them. They hadn't pulled any stunts yet, but that didn't mean they never would. It was unnerving her as she didn't know what to expect. 

"What are you thinking about?"

She looked back at Rudransh who still hadn't woken up. Well, he had a while ago, but the King of Vibhava couldn't get himself to leave their bed. He placed his arm behind his head for support, giving her a small smile. Lasya smiled to herself as she pinned her hair in place. Her husband was too handsome to be true. "It's nothing."

He simply raised an eyebrow in disbelief. 

How did he always figure it out? Either he was a magician or he had been a royal for too long. Lasya exhaled lightly. "I'm serious. It's silly. You don't have to worry about it. You need to get up anyway, Rudra."

He groaned as he covered his face with the blanket. "How am I expected to do anything productive after hearing you call my name with that mellow voice of yours? It's cruel."

She chuckled lightly as she turned, finally done with her hair. Rudransh's bed hair contrasted hers in the best way possible. Lasya had to keep herself in check when her eyes tried to trace their way down his bare torso. "I'm sure it is, but you need to get up now. We have responsibilities that aren't going to sort themselves out."

He removed the blanket, a mischievous glint in his gaze. "I'll get up if you let me do what we did last night."

Lasya's treacherous mind replayed the scenario in her head, echoing the way she had chanted his name with heavy pants lacing their way through her words. She felt phantom hands retrace the trail of fire that he had drawn on her skin, going lower and lower until she gasped audibly. Lasya's face flushed a bright red when Rudransh smirked knowingly, aware of just where her mind had taken her. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything, love."

"You were about to." she accused as she hurriedly stood up. Any more time alone in their chamber and she would give in effortlessly. Lasya knew it because she felt herself leaning towards the idea that he had proposed. She snapped out of it. "I need to go."

"And practice?" he asked, amused. 

She threw a glare at him. "That's how we ended up the way we did yesterday evening. You're not being sly, Rudra."

He laughed, petting the raven that had come in through the window. "Alright, I'll stop. I assure you that I won't be the one to initiate anything the next time around though. It'll be all you."

"In your dreams." she said, walking towards the door.

"Actually, yes." he mused. "That's where I got the idea from."

"Rudra!" Her ears burned as she spun around, thoroughly shocked. 

Laughing at her expense again, he finally got up. He stretched, reminding her of how her fingers had caressed every inch of his skin the previous night. Every hardened inch. Lasya had never seen a man as lean and as fit as Rudransh before, let alone touched one. His body allowed him to be stealthy in battle and she had a front-row seat to witness just how useful his physique was elsewhere. 

"Weren't you saying something about leaving?" he asked, a smirk on his face. "In fact, I recall you being in a hurry."

His words broke Lasya out of her reverie, making her leave their chamber instantly. Smiling politely at the guards stationed outside, she made her way downstairs. The palace always had letters that needed to be replied to, royal letters sometimes, so she had made it her priority to sort through them first. She walked over to the library, smiling when one of the maids guided her towards the stack. 

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