Attack of The Headless Horror

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In the Amazon, Dr. Rick Spartan, his wife, Marion, and manservant, Chachinga are walking through a jungle. He then sees a temple.

Dr. Spartan: Marion! Cachinga! We found it the ancient burial heap of Sklar Gringat. I told you legend plenty true, Cachinga.

Chachinga: Yes. Amazing.

They run towards the temple as Marion trips and breaks her ankle.

Marion: My ankle! I think it's broken.

Dr. Spartan: Cachinga, make plenty fast for camp. Fetch medicine kit for wifey, bring here quicky, quicky. 'K, 'k?

Cachinga runs off.

Marion: I'm sorry, honey. I know you're excited. Go on. I'll be fine here Alone.

Dr. Spartan: Ok.

He runs off.

Marion: Huh?

Dr. Spartan: Love ya!

He goes up the steps and moves a sphere with his spear and the sphere rolls down towards Marion. She rolls out of the way as Dr. Spartan descends and sees a chest. He reads the inscriptions.

Dr. Spartan: "Take not my head or a curse on you. My body shall forever avenge the wrong you do. " A curse. This day just gets better and better.

He opens it and grabs a shrunken head, and it speaks.

???: You were warned!

He drops the head as a hand touches his shoulder and sees a headless creature, with a face on its chest, stands there and he screams.

Fred was driving the Mystery Machine as fast as he could passing traffic trying to get to school.

Daphne: Slow down, Fred.

Fred: I can't. I don't want to be late for school.

Shaggy: Like, since when don't you want to be late for school?

Fred: Since I found out who our new biology teacher is.

All: Who?

Fred: Dr. Rick Spartan.

Scooby: Never heard of him.

Fred: That's because you don't read trap magazines like I do. The guy's a legend.

Y/N: Let me guess, he builds traps?

Fred: No. He just gets out of them a lot.

He swerves and Velma and Shaggy go to the side of the van.

Shaggy: Sorry.

Velma: No, it's ok. You don't need to move.

Shaggy: Really? Well, does that mean, like, you want to, uh, maybe, like, be friends again?

Velma: Maybe.

Daphne and Y/N see this and smile.

Shaggy: Well, uh, maybe me, too.

Fred swerves and Scooby comes over to the two.

Scooby: Maybe me three.

They reach school as Dr. Spartan recounts his battle with the headless horror to the class.

Dr. Spartan: The headless horror had me pinned against the wall. He punched me again and again and again. And picked me up by the throat and threw me to the ground and stomped on me over and over and over. Both my arms were broken. I had 16 fractured ribs.

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