Night Terrors

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The family from Gatorsburg has booked an extended vacation at the Burlington Library.

Father: Well, here we are, family, the Burlington library. Aw, this is going to be the greatest vacation ever.

Tween Girl: Where have I heard that before?

The family enter the mansion.

Father: I mean, how exciting is it we're spending our entire winter vacation at some old dead, rich guy's library, huh? Learning is awesome.

Tween Girl: Learning is lame.

A hooded figure comes over.

Father: Hi, there. Hope you don't mind. We just kind of let ourselves in.

The person takes off their hood and it is an Egyptian god Anubis transforms into a wolf-like creature.

Tween Girl: Learning isn't lame, it's evil!

The monster attacks as the family runs out and as Puddles follow behind. Puddles chases after the car and jumps into the Tween Girls arms, and they drive off as the figure watches.

The gang is in the Mystery Machine going to a Ski Resort.

Fred: After everything we've been through lately, gang, this little ski vacation is just the thing.

Shaggy: Like, Scoob and I aren't as crazy about hitting the slopes as we are about hitting the massive, all you can eat fondue bar!

Scooby: Fonduy-Dooby-Doo!

Velma is reading the map.

Velma: Take the left fork. The right is a dead end.

An avalanche blocks the road as Fred makes a hard stop.

Daphne: I don't know Velm, that left fork seems pretty dead too.

Fred goes under the van and comes out.

Y/N: Well?

Fred: The old Mystery Machine is a little banged up down there. We'll need to make some repairs.

Scooby: What's that?

The gang sees a mansion.

Daphne: That terrifying mansion looks warm and inviting.

They drive to the mansion.

Velma: Does anybody else think it's strange to find a huge mansion up here in the middle of nowhere?

Y/N: Yes.

Shaggy: At least the lights are on.

Scooby: Good enough for me.

They get out of the van and go up to the door.

Scooby: I'm freezing my paws off.

Fred pulls the doorbell, and it rings as the doors open.

Dan: Well, hello, there. You young folks come on in out of that cold.

They enter the mansion as Dan closes the door.

Dan: Welcome to the Burlington library. We're always open to receive guests. Glad y'all found us.

Fred: We're glad we found you too, sir. Our van sure could use some repairs.

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