15 Years Later...

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Crystal Cove, The Sunniest Place on Earth, inside a mansion the sun begins to shine through the mansion windows. Multiple pictures are hung up on the wall. It shows Y/N and Daphne, one shows Y/N and Daphne together, one of them at a beach, another one at their wedding, two more show Daphne giving birth to a boy. Y/N had gotten a job of (Dream Job) while Daphne got a job as a model. In the master bedroom, the sun shines through as Y/N wakes up in a queen's bed and sees his wife, Daphne snuggled up to him still sleeping. She has an arm around Y/N as she sleeps on his shoulder. That's when the door bursts open and a child runs in and jumps on them and wakes up Daphne. Y/N looks at his son.

Y/N: Cole.

Cole smiles at them as Daphne sits up and sees him.

Y/N: How many times have we told you not to wake us up like that?

Cole: Sorry, dad. It's time to get up, Uncle Fred is coming soon for my birthday.

Y/N: Okay, but first, morning hugs.

Cole instantly jumped into his dad's arm as Daphne smiled. The two break the hug as Y/N gets up and puts on his shirt for the day.

Y/N: Come on, let's make something for your breakfast.

Cole smiles as he runs into the kitchen and is joined by Daphne, and Y/N who makes Cole's favorite food and begins to eat it. Y/N then sees the picture of him and Daphne at their wedding.

14 Years Ago...

At a church, Y/N was getting ready for his wedding. He put on his outfit as Y/N's parents watch him and M/N looks at F/N.

M/N: Should we tell him...?

F/N: That we remember the past timeline? We'll tell him when he's a little older.

M/N: S/N and B/N raised him well, aside from the sarcasm.

F/N: Oh, come on, you used to love my sarcasm.

M/N smiles and shakes her head remembering her time solving mysteries.

Soon after Y/N was at the alter with F/N as his best man. The wedding song begins to play as the doors open and Y/N sees Daphne in a wedding dress. 

Barty walks Daphne up to the altar and she holds hands with Y/N

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Barty walks Daphne up to the altar and she holds hands with Y/N.

Priest: Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to bring this man and this woman together in marriage. You may now speak your vows.

Y/N: Today I say, "I do" but to me that means, "I will." I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad. I dedicate myself to your happiness, success, and smile. I will love you forever.

Daphne: My life is forever entangled with yours from this day on. My dreams are your dreams, and I'll build it all around you.

Priest: If there is a reason why these two should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your peace.

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