047 || Heart, body, and soul

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Sabrina's POV

When I woke up the next morning, I had a splitting headache. 

Fuck, how many times do I have to say that I'm never going to drink again? Clearly, not enough. I brushed some hair out of my face with a groan. I felt cold and hot at the same time. My brain was as fuzzy as my vision. I rubbed my eyes with a yawn, letting my head fall back into the pillow. Wow, this bed was so comfy. I don't remember having these kinds of pillows...

I frowned, blinking open my eyes to squint around the room. Rain pattered against the glass, filling the room with soft noise. The wind howled as if in frustration as it battered the windows. 

I was getting more and more confused by the second. I saw my dress strewn on the floor next to the closet. I lifted the thick covers to see that I was wearing a large gray shirt.

Fucking shit biscuits.

I sat up with a jolt, my head screaming in protest at the sudden movement. I was beginning to panic. The last thing I could remember was being in the club, celebrating with my friends. I rubbed my forehead, wracking my memories for any clue as to where I was. I could vaguely remember sitting on the floor waiting, not sure for what, though...

Oh no...

I remembered a pair of lips on mine. His familiar, icy eyes. His cold hands gripping my thighs as he lifted me onto the countertop, his mouth never leaving my neck. I felt color rush to my face.

Suddenly, I felt something shift in the bed next to me. An arm slipped around my waist, pulling me back down in bed. My heart stopped. I resisted the pull, and Max let out a soft groan. I stared at him, my heart racing. 

He had been lying beside me this whole time! Fuck, I'm blind. 

"Shhh... Five more minutes..." His voice was husky and thick with sleep. He gave my waist another gentle tug, trying to pull me back down into his arms.

For a second, I was tempted to just give in. I recalled how nice it was to be cuddled up with him and how warm and safe it felt. I quickly caught myself before anything happened. I hardened my gaze.

"No, Max." I told him firmly as I pulled his arm off me and got up. He groaned, rolling over onto his back.

"Why am I in your bed?" I took a step back. He let out a long sigh and pulled himself up into a sitting position.

"Because you slept here, genius." He yawned. I glared at him. 

Why did he always have to act like a dick?

"I am not in the mood for your bullshit, Max. Tell me what happened." My voice was still calm, but I had a feeling that was about to change. He pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. I waited for his response, my eyes never leaving him. His normally tidy hair was messy and slightly tilted to the side.

"You don't remember?" He moved back so that his head leaned back against the headboard. He gazed back at me, his expression calm. I paused.

Pull yourself together, dude!

"Why would I be asking if I did?" I crossed my arms. He shrugged.

"Fine. I went out for a walk, and when I came back, I found a drunken mess on my doorstep." He told me, his eyes half closed and still a little hazy with sleep.

"That still doesn't explain anything."

"Very well, you begged me for a place to stay because you were lonely, your sister was in your apartment, and your friends abandoned you." He said there was a spark of mischief in his eyes.

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