Ch. 21 ✨The Radio Demon✨

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*The Next Morning*
*Y/N's POV*

I groan, waking up to see that I'm laying in a hospital bed, IV's on my arms, bandages on my nose and head, and my worried parents sitting beside me.

When did they get here? And how did I END UP HERE?! All I remember is getting knocked out...and then-

"M-mom?" I say through a hiss when I try to move. Pain slices through my ribs and stomach.
She sits up in an instant, crying tears of joy when she hears my voice. "Oh my god, oh my baby girl!"

She hugs me as softly as she can, but it still hurts like hell.
"I can't believe that this happened," she wipes at her eyes, before pulling a napkin out to dry her tears. "I wish there was something we could have done to prevent it!"

I open my mouth to ask what she means, before the horrid memories of Jason flood my head.
My heart could he have done that, after everything was starting to go good for us and our friendship...

His mask had dropped, revealing his real colors, a monster.
I shudder thinking about it, shuffling my feet in a nervous manner which my parents see.

"Did they...catch him?" I ask, shutting my eyes and breathing out. It hurts to talk...the rise and fall of my chest is painful.
But what my parents say next makes my eyes shoot open and fear pulse through my veins

"They did, but..." mom trails off, swallowing the lump in her throat. "He was found dead in someone's shed, mutilated."

I sit up in an instant, which sends a wave of pain coursing through my veins.
Mom sits up and tries to gently push me back down, but I fight against her.

"What do you mean mutilated?!" I shout. How could that even be?! From just last night?! Who could've done that?!
Mother looks at my dad, who exhales a deep breath, hand running up and down the back of his neck.

"It's best that we don't explain it to you, but...he's dead."

All memories of Jason flood my head, the good memories, the bad ones, and it makes my heart pound and hands shake.

How can he be dead? I mean I would be pleased to have heard he was in prison, but DEAD?

"No one knows who did it either, they're were no traces, no evidence to point to someone," dad points out, biting his bottom lip in an uncomfortable manner.

"It was as if a ghost did it," dad says, as a joke, but I don't see it as such.


Panic fills every inch of my body, making my breathing heavier, deeper, which causes an anxiety attack to happen, which shocks my parents who then call for a nurse to call me down.

"No," I say through shaky words, "no no no!"
I begin to thrash, before hands hold me down, and a needle sticks through my arm, drugging me.

Slowly, my eyes grow heavy, and my vision blurs, but through the blurry sensation and the florescent lights, I see a familiar smile in the corner.

Suddenly, I hear his familiar static voice fill the air.

"I've told you, you are under the protection of the Radio Demon."

Radio Demon...

"Don't fret, Y/N, it was quick and painless, for me anyways." I hear his chuckle, and a wave of sickness floods my chest.
People's hands are still restraining me, until the drug has pumped through my veins long enough to make me unconscious.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now