Life in Troll Village

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Life is troll village is interesting, after Brozone broke up, my mother continued to teach dance. She taught anyone in troll village till her last breath, when she died, I inherited the keys to her studio and I continued on with dancing and fashion. Baby Branch was getting older and I played a big part of his life, sure, Granny Rosiepuff was there but Branch seemed to find comfort in me after she was eaten.

Every night after Rosiepuff died, Branch couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat, he couldn't do anything, he was grieving for not only his grandmother but also his brothers. He was forced to grow up, but there were moments where he could still be a kid. During the first few years without his grandma, I lived with Branch, he often shut me out or just didn't talk. One day, I came home from a long day in the studio to find him crying on his bed while hugging Floyd's vest. My heart broke seeing the young boy so hopeless and sad by the world he was born into, I sat beside him and started singing,

Remember me though I have to say goodbye
Remember me, don't let it make you cry
For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart

Branch turned to me looking into my eyes as tear stained his face. It was in that moment, he knew that one person in this world would never leave him alone. He jolted up and stayed in my arms, he was so tired, he was only a little troll, yet, he had the responsibility and trauma of an adult. He didn't deserve of it, I wish I could take it all away from him, but all I could do was to be there for him, to be the family he needed. I noticed his eyes were starting to close, I smiled as I continued the song,

Remember me though I have to travel far
Remember me each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be
Until you're in my arms again

The poor boy had abandonment issues thanks to his brothers, but I couldn't stay mad forever, what really matters is taking care of the now, grown up, Branch.

He is extremely paranoid about Bergens after Granny Rosiepuff died, so I taught him how to survive in the wild. How did I know how to survive all the dangerous creatures beyond troll village? Well, I needed fabrics that were unique to Trolls for my designs, you say that's crazy I say it's commitment to my craft. However, it often led me to go on expeditions meaning I knew my way around the forest and its wildlife.

I often worry about Branch, I've visited the bunker he built and he told me everything about the ten foot waterslide, the rooms all made for his brothers. My heart felt full knowing that he still loved his brothers, but as time went on, he lost that hope. He filled those rooms with supplies, food, water, sweat jars and much more.

On Branch's 21 birthday, I finally told me about my relationship with Floyd and he just hugged me. That was the first time I've ever mentioned Brozone in a long time, he knew it was time to talk about it, he couldn't avoid his brothers forever. But he was glad that, you were there to support him and he was there to support you. He knew I miss Floyd and the others, but at least we still had each other.

After he met Poppy, everything changed. He became happier and even introduced her to me. I was pleased to know that Branch was in good hands and I told him that he should make his move because it's clear that they love each other. That afternoon, Poppy and Branch stayed in my hut to talk about their adventures with the burgens, Poppy and I continued to become closer after that.

Branch comes over every chance he can to have a meal with me, to help with my latest designs or to carry my latest fabrics I had gathered. Poppy often comes along, since she's been getting her clothes from me more often, she was in love with my work. Thanks to her, i've gained quite the clientele, Satin and Chanel often come to style the pieces I make and order many for themselves.

After the events of the Rock-Apocalypse, Poppy was officially Branch's girlfriend and I couldn't think of a better person for him. She came over everyday to check up on me, look at my new designs and ask me questions about Branch. She was so enthusiastic  about life, whether it was her own or the lives of other trolls.

All in all, life was good, Branch was happy, I was happy, yes I missed Floyd with all my heart, but I continued to be happy.

Though I didn't have a love interest in the 20+ years that Floyd as been gone, I was never lonely. Branch was always there to keep me company, but now he has Poppy and I can't have him around like in the past. I always wondered how Floyd was, did he miss me? Did he find someone else? Is he a big superstar now? Does he still sing?

There's so many questions that need answers and I can't find them. I had no clue where the other Brozone brothers were and I didn't feel like I needed to know.

That was the past, it was a long time ago, life moves on and I had to move with it, but yet a small part of my heart remained to be that young troll making silly moves with Clay, teasing Spruce about finding his true love, there was still that young troll inside of me that was and still is in love with Floyd. Nothing could never make me give that part of myself up...

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