Vacay Island

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Ronda isn't the smoothest ride in the world, she's a little bit chaotic, but she's fast and that's what we need. The faster we can move, the faster we find Clay and Spruce, and the faster we can save Floyd. We had no clue where to find Spruce, all JD had was a postcard, I had seen the place before, Vacay Island. Their textiles were unique, I had done my research about the relaxing heaven that contained many unknown fabrics for me to use, and I had a supplier there a local woman named Brandy.

She had always mentioned that another troll would come by her restaurant and eat her famous Menudo, but I always thought it was just a random troll. Brandy was amazing at finding the best materials for me, with so many different colors, textures, and patterns which made all the trolls super happy.

She could commission me to make troll clothes every time I visited her, I would often stay on the island for a few days for a vacation and to make Brandy's order, but despite making troll clothes, I never met the troll that dawned on them. All I knew from Brandy was that it was for her husband who was the same guy who always ate her menudo. Nevertheless, I happily made the clothes, free of charge, it least I could do for her, especially since she was one of my most loyal suppliers.

I knew my way to Vacay Island quite well, so when I felt Ronda going off course, I spoke up,

Hey, what's going on, this isn't the way to Vacay Island. John Dory? JD, are you listening to me?

As always John Dory dismissed me, I didn't miss this part of our relationship. I would often be dismissed from the conversation if he didn't like what I was saying, it irritated me. Imagine my surprise when a certain Country troll started complaining about a past lover of hers doing the same thing.

That's right, Delta Dawn and John Dory were together, romantically. They broke up about 4 months before the Rock Apocalypse. When she needed a new hat, Poppy recommended me instantly. She ranted on about her ex to me, but I listened because I used to do the same thing to Clay when John Dory dismissed my suggestions.

Delta Dawn left it all on the table, she told me everything, how they met when JD tried to sneak into the Country trolls' land, and how he just left her in the middle of the night. Okay, I'm a peaceful person, but that's just wrong even for JD, I had known the guy my entire life and yet he was a grade-a jerk. Poor Delta Dawn was left heartbroken especially since she had never opened up to any troll like she did with John Dory.

I became more irritated when he insisted that he knew what he was doing, I couldn't take it anymore. I tell Tiny to pull over and I get out, Branch is instantly worried, he's never seen me walk out. As he yells out my name, I look back to say,

Don't worry Branch, I'll see you all on Vacay Island! I know my way there and I don't need JD's attitude right now, I promise I'll be there at the restaurant.

As I walk, I find it, the hidden passage to Vacay Island, not many people know about it. I happened to stumble on it during my journey, having only learned about it in my research, I thought it was a myth. I jumped into the portal, landing safely on the beachfront, I had beat Ronda, so I headed inside the restaurant to find...


The woman turns her head confused to see no one until she looks down to see her old friend, her smile widens.

(Y/N)! What are you doing here? You didn't send an order in or did you and one of the kids take it to hide? Gosh, I love the little scamps but they are such a hassle.

I giggle as the woman rambles on, while she fixes up some of her food for me, her love language is food and I was planning on accepting all of it. Brandy was always so welcoming and generous to me, her children came in each of them saying hello to me, it was crazy seeing them grow up into such energetic, curious kids.

As I make myself comfortable while conversing with Brandy, I see a familiar troll. Purple hair and blue skin, it was Spruce! Following behind him was JD, Branch and Poppy, who notice I'm already there relaxing, I continue to eat as the chaos unfolds.

Brandy, who now realizes I knew her husband from his boy band days, explains the whole story to me. Though she knew of my past with the Brozone brothers, but she never thought her now re-named husband, Bruce, was the elusive heartthrob of Brozone.

Bruce was surprised to see his brothers and one of his best friends all in his restaurant. He knew (Y/N) was around because of Brandy, he usually stirred away from her, knowing that she would be close to Branch. He wasn't ready to face his baby brother or his eldest brother, but now, they stood before him explaining what's happening. Branch and JD told him about Mount Rageous, Floyd and the diamond prison.

Bruce wasn't too keen on going, but when his kids and wife doubted his musical talents, he was on stage with his brothers again. Poppy had brought the music, though she was struggling, till I pulled out a custom track. It was a mashup I had made for the boys as a warm up to get them in the zone, I gave it to Poppy as she rushed over to play the music.

It felt surreal to see such a familiar sight, granted, the boys were older, looked extremely different and we're a little rusty (expect Branch). But for a few minutes, I felt like I was that young troll in the studio working on choreography with her mum, best friends and boyfriend by her side. Maybe, just maybe, it would feel like this forever...

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