Arjuna learns the truth!

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Krishna reveals to arjuna that karna was not a sutt-putra, he belongs to the clan of a renowned kshatriya. Arjuna shocked hearing this, he never expected this since the day he met karna. Arjuna curiously questioned Krishna "then why karna still like to be identified as a sutt, when he knew he belongs to a higher society, he further asked why he is not fighting for his rights like every khastriya do".

Krishna sighs and went little away from arjuna before saying that karna has a deep background which kept hidden from the beginning of this story. Only 5 people knew karna's birth mystery; including karna.

Arjuna stood near karna and apologized him for his behavior towards him as he always saw karna as someone belonging to a poor caste who quest their hunger after feeding someone's leftover. Karna put his hand on arjuna's shoulder and accepts his apologizes before saying he never took anyone's aggression on him seriously as he accepted his reality.

Arjuna smiled and surprisingly asked krishna; if karna was one among the 4, then who are the remaining 4 persons who aware karna as khastriya. Krishna chuckled and replies that he and pitamah knew karna's truth. Arjuna stunned; he thought in his mind why pitamah hide this truth from hastinapur and let all the wrong doings happen to karna.

Krishna reads arjuna's mind and looked at karna once again knowing arjuna's last question. Arjuna asks Krishna who are the remaining two person who knew this mystery. He was intrigued to know and that's also from the mouth of Krishna- his beloved friend. He mumbles with himself, weather it's drona? duryodhana? or someone he closely knew.

Karna prepared himself as he know what going to happen next; Krishna reveals that the one in remaining 2 is lord Surya  as he is the father of karna and the other is kunti, the mother of arjuna and  pandavas.

Arjuna was totally dumbfounded. He asked Krishna how his mother came to know about this and why she hide from everyone especially from her sons. Krishna replies confidently "she is the one who knew the truth before everyone as she gave birth to karna".

Arjuna falls on the ground; he gets totally devasted from the news. He looked at karna surprisingly and waited for his response. Karna nodded approving to krishna's revealation.

Arjuna stood gaining back his senses and angrily asked Krishna, whether he is playing with him as he might think arjuna still hates karna and wants to kill him by his own hands. Krishna come near arjuna and asked him either he ever said karna is his rival or he must kill him.

Karna interfered between them and says to arjuna that whatever Krishna told to him is utter truth. It's a mystery which was kept hidden from a long time and for a good purpose. "Purpose? arjuna questioned. "Yes" replies Krishna. Krishna says that when karna was born, devi kunti was unmarried and it's not allowed to an unmarried woman to have child. Due to the fear of judgement from society, she has to abandon karna after his birth.

A tear dropped from arjuna's eyes. He feels sorry for karna and apologized him from the side of pandavas and his mother. He touched karna's feet taking his blessings as he realized karna is his elder brother.

Karna embraced arjuna and they both experienced the divine bond of brotherhood. Arjuna apologized Krishna for getting anger on him unnecessarily. Krishna smiled and says that he would never gets angry neither on arjuna nor on karna or on anyone. Krishna hugged arjuna assuring he is still his best-friend.

In kauravas camp, duryodhana was practicing in front of a statue pretending it as karna. He keeps striking with his mace and trying to broke it in several pieces. Shakuni entered his camp and claimed he need not to strive hard to kill karna.

Duryodhana stopped practicing with his mace. Instead with his collided fist, his hit the statue broking it into several pieces. Shakuni praised duryodhana's skills before revealing, if even karna took participation in war. He would been killed from the hands of bhisma or from acharya drona as karna is an archer and the rules made for war allows a warrior to fight against an equal opponent.

Duryodhana desperately asked; what if they failed to kill karna as karna has his armour and that deceptive Krishna from their side. Shakuni grinned and said karna's armour wouldn't protect him from the threat they are going to implement against karna.

What is the threat shakuni had planned against karna? Will arjuna reveals karna's truth to his brothers?

*War is a day ahead*

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