Krishna attacks bhisma!

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With the beginning of day 4 of war, pitamah bhisma executed a secret invasion which soon starts destroying pandava's army. Bhimsa had already killed 2 akshauni army of pandavas in just 3 days. Now, he is fully determined to end the war by killing yudhistira, who is the king from opposite army. Because, his death will end the war according to the rules of war and bhisma wants to end the continuing destruction of his family. He could endure the death of one pandava, but not able to see his entire family bathing in the pool of blood.

Yudhistira has fighting will his full prowess, he isn't ready to give up on his enemies easily. By the secret-messenger, he had learned about pitamah's intention. He felt ashamed on his kaurava brothers, their deception is the main reason for this war and even after so many years they are not able to sacrifice their ego and using pitamah as a weapon to gain victory in the decisive war.

Krishna tells karna that how bhisma had decided to end the war by killing yudhistira. He then stated that they need to stop pitamah from doing so. Karna asks krishna, how it could be done when bhisma is an invincible warrior when he picked up his bow.

Krishna mischievously smiles and claims that their is no great warrior like destiny. He further claims that shikandhi will soon enter the kurukshetra and change the tables. Then, arjuna must follow his duty of a khastriya.

"If everything not went according to destiny, I will pick the weapon and break kauravas invincible kavach". Said krishna to karna. Karna shocked, he knew about the demand Krishna put before arjuna that he won't pick weapons and serve just a sarathi to him, but that was also changed, he is now karna's charioteer.

Shakuni warns duryodhana that krishna won't sit quietly watching the destruction of pandavas army. Shakuni tells duryodhana they must keep shikandhi away from bhisma, either they could keep her away from the battlefield or kill her incase she somehow entered in the battle-field.

Duryodhana orders dushasana to take some soldiers with him and prevent shikandhi's interference till pitamah achieve the plan of killing yudhistira. Duryodhana has full confidence once bhisma kills yudhistira, pandavas will be shattered and they no longer able to fight with their army.

Karna get the news that duryodhana is planning to stop shikandhi from fulfilling her vow, she is the only person who could make pitamah to put down his weapon which is the only way to defeat pitamah. Karna asks krishna what they need to do in this situation. Krishna assured karna that shikandhi is the ultimate fate of bhisma, no one could stop from her reaching her destiny.

Arjuna comes near Krishna and asked him what if they kill duryodhana instead of searching for shikandhi to defeat bhisma. Krishna smiles and says that duryodhana death is pre-destined and he will die at last. Presently, they need to cut the branches of adharma which is essential to reach their goal. Arjuna sorrowed, he was hoping that krishna will agree with him and his beloved pitamah would be saved.

Krishna orders arjuna to continue fighting with bhisma till shikandhi comes for their assistance.

Arjuna nodded and went near pitamah's chariot. He fought with all his brave and prowess. But, pitamah was following his duties. He repeatedly keeps firing arrows which significantly injures arjuna at a point. Krishna was watching this and becomes extremely furious, he couldn't tolerate someone interrupting his mission of establishing dharma.

Krishna climbed down from his chariot and take a broken wheel from the ground. The wheel after reaching Krishna turned into a very powerful weapon which resembles Krishna's sudarshan chakra.

Krishna shouted at bhisma saying "If you don't stop now from destroying the pandavas army. I would break my promise of not picking up weapons and I will kill you and the entire kauravas in just few seconds".

Bhisma shook from his place and climbed down from his chariot, he folded his hands in front of krishna and begged him to attack, bhisma realized that the time has came when he finally reach salvation after getting killed from the hands of divine krishna.

Before krishna hurl the wheel, arjuna rushed to krishna and prays him to not to do so. He reminds his promise of not letting Krishna to pick weapons. Krishna replies arjuna, that he is free from all vows and promises, today is the last day of bhisma on earth. He had already done enough destruction, now it's time for him to get his eyes closed once for all time.

Karna also rushed to krishna and requested him to not kill pitamah as it would put blacklash to arjuna's name as everyone will believe that arjuna let Krishna's vow to get broken because of him not able to fight with his enemies. Krishna listens to karna and put down the chariot and after that he enlightens bhisma why pandava's victory is essential for the world.

Bhimsa nodded and promised Krishna that he will not destroy pandava's army from now and when shikandhi comes in front of him, he will abandon his weapons and get himself prepared to reach his final destination.

Krishna smiles and went back to his chariot. Dushasana managed to injure shikandhi and now he is confident that shikandhi won't be a threat to them. Dushasana orders a soldier to take this message to duryodhana and also say to him that they won the war.

Who will defeat pitamah now?

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