Chapter 2

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I just got to campus and checked into my dorm. Since all the women's basketball players lived in the same building I would be sharing my dorm with another freshman, Anaya Peoples. I had heard about her since she also grew up in Illinois so I was happy to room with her. I got to our dorm before she arrived at campus so I unpacked and got my room all tidy. Once I was unpacked I heard a pair of keys jingle and the front door open. I peeked my head around the corner and see a light skin person my age standing at the front door looking around.

"Anaya, Right?" I asked, walking towards her.

"Yeah, you must be Y/n. It's nice to finally meet you." She said in response. A short silence fell after that.

"Girl I've seen you play you got game" She said, breaking the silence. I chuckled a little knowing I was going to enjoy rooming with her.

"I've seen you play too, you're not too bad, but ima need to 1v1 you sometime" I say.

"You need help with your bags? I just finished unpacking so if you need some help let me know." I say again.

"Yeah, that would be great. My bags are downstairs in my car." She says. We both start to start walking downstairs to the parking lot when I see a dark green jeep's trunk door open.

"Is that your jeep? Cause if it is I'm in love" I say checking out the car.

"You bet it is. We're gonna have some fun car rides." She says. I help her bring her bags upstairs and we talk in her room getting to know each other better while she unpacks. We had been talking for a few hours and it was getting late so we decided to get some rest since we have a team breakfast in the morning.

A/n: Sorry this chapter is so short.

it's almost like you never left (Paige Bueckers)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon