Chapter 10

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It's the next morning and it's just me on the couch. I assumed that Paige and Nika left after I fell asleep, and Azzi went to our bedroom. I walk back to the bedroom to grab some clothes to change into, and notice Azzi isn't there. She was talking about shooting around a little with Aubrey so I was guessing I was going to run into them when I got there. I made myself some eggs and a smoothie. I was planning on grabbing some coffee on the way so I texted Azzi and Aubrey if they want anything in case one of them doesn't respond.


Do you and Azzi want some coffee? I hear yall were practicing at the facility? 8:32 AM


Yeah I'll take an iced latte and Azzi will have the same. Thank you 8:40 AM

I get to the gym, drinks in hand, and go to find Aubrey and Azzi. I stumble upon Aubrey in the locker room and hand her her drink.

"Where's Azzi?" I ask.

"I don't know but she took a call and then never came back. I tried texting her but she didn't respond" Aubrey says. This doesn't sound good.

"Okay I'm going to text her and if she doesn't respond in 5 minutes we're going to look for her." I say. Aubrey nods in agreement. I text her 'Hey where are you' and sure enough no response. Me and Aubrey set out to look for her. We searched the whole gym. No Azzi. Outside, No Azzi. We had checked everywhere.

"Wait, what about the dorms?" Aubrey says.

"You're so smart," I say back. We head to the dorms, getting there fast. I first go to open our own dorm to see if she's there. No one. I then checked other dorms and either no one had seen her or they were out doing things of their own. I didn't want to have to ask Paige but it's for Azzi's good. As soon as I go to knock on the door I hear faint crying in the door. Me and Aubrey look at each other in shock and open the door anyway without knocking.

"Hello, is everyone okay here?" Aubrey yells out. We start walking around and after walking into the living room I see Nika holding Azzi as she cries holding some picture. I immediately run over to her and hugged her tight. Aubrey soon follows behind. I try to calm her down to tell me what happened.

"Azzi you're going to need to tell me what happened so I can help you." I say.

"No one's seen her since last night" She struggles to get out.

"Who?" Aubrey asks.

"Paige" Azzi says, which makes her cry even harder.

"When we went home last night we took 2 cars and she said she needed to run some errands and she would be home soon. I didn't see her that night or this morning" Nika says. I don't care if me and Paige have beef or not. I'm not going to sit around waiting for my teammate who could be in danger. Nika stays back with Azzi as me and Aubrey head out. We grab Aaliyah and Carol as we tell them the story on the way to my car.

Paige POV

I've been stressed out way too much lately. With Y/n floating in my head with basketball coming up and classes just now starting everything is getting to me. What if I'm the reason Y/n hurt herself? What if I fail all my classes and can't play for the team? Does Azzi like Y/n more than me? So many thoughts going through my head. We had a little 2 day break from practices so I went driving after I hung out with Nika, Azzi, and Y/n. I lied to Nika saying I would be back soon but I didn't know when I was coming back. I turned off my location and put my phone on DnD so no one could bother me. I just started driving, not really sure where I would go but I did.

I saw a small park with a basketball court on it. I always keep a spare ball in the back so I grabbed it and went to shoot some hoops. I wasn't getting into the shoot around since I didn't have the proper attire on. I kept shooting and shooting trying to ease my mind. I guess I underestimated how long my mind could travel for because soon enough the sun started to rise. I went back into my car after ending on a make and I started driving again. I headed to a Dunkin to grab some coffee. At this point I haven't slept in almost 48 hours, and I had 2 workouts within those times. I ended up needing to grab gas so I got some and while I waited I checked my phone. It was about 11 and I was hungry as hell. I went inside the gas station and got me a water, sandwich, and chips, which I wolfed down. I checked my messages to see tons of messages from Azzi, the team, and wait, Y/n?


Paige, are you okay?

Please answer your phone

You're scaring Azzi and me

Please text me back 10:00 AM

Maybe turning on DnD wasn't a good idea after all. At this point I think I should head back to the dorms. It takes me about 15 minutes because I surprisingly wasn't too far. I walk in and ask if anyone's home. No one. I end up turning on my location so people will be able to find me and I go to my bed and go right to sleep.


"Go back to the dorms asap. Paige's location is there!" I hear Azzi yell.

Aaliyah makes a u-turn and we head back quickly. We walk in and start searching the rooms and calling out for Paige.

"Guys over here" I hear Nika yell. Azzi sprints across the dorm and runs into the room Nika is in. A sleeping Paige is peacefully napping before Azzi jumps on top of her like it's the last time they'll ever see each other. Azzi just hugs her tightly hoping she doesn't leave this time. Paige slowly stirred awake.

"Paige, you had me worried sick. Don't ever do that shit again. Understand?" Azzi asks.

"Yes I do" Paige says shamefully. Everyone goes and hugs her knowing she's alright.

"Please don't do that again Paige." I say hugging her.

"There were just so many thoughts. I just needed room" She says, sorta tearing up.

"It's okay but you can't go through those thoughts alone. Me and the team will always be here for you. You know that right?" I say

"Yeah I do. Thanks." She says, tightly hugging me again. Azzi basically attacks her in a hug again and pulls her down back onto the mattress. We ended up leaving the room but eventually I went in and checked on them and they were both fast asleep cuddled next to each other. 

A/N: Again not proof read. I will also be adding a lot more of Aubrey in this because I feel like Aubrey and Y/n should have a good bond. Also how are we feeling about this chapter?

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