Uh Oh!

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I'm writing this half awake, so I'm sorry if there's miss spellings or the part is just awful.

Your POV

"Why the hell am I taking the trash out. Now I have to walk all the way down the street so the trash won't be our problem."

You mumble as you walk down the street, annoyed. You then hear a scream coming from the alley from the new cannibal restaurant that opened up. You didn't think much of it. I mean, it's a cannibal restaurant of course they're gonna be killing sinners for it. Then a name tag flew at you and fell at your feet with blood on it. You picked the tag up and read it.

"Vixen..." You read

"Who the hell is Vixen?" You wonder.

As you walk into the alley, you see the corpse of what looks like a demon lamb. You stare at it for a few seconds. You then notice a mic staff laying against the wall. You could've sworn you've seen that staff before, but you didn't wanna find out who's it was. You decided to throw the trash out quickly and run, bawling your eyes out. As you ran back into Rosie's Emporium. Rosie noticed you crying hysterically. She ran over to you.

"What's wrong, darling?"

You couldn't even bring yourself to talk as all that came out were sobs as you cried hysterically.

"I-I saw a dead body..." You stammer.

Rosie patted your back in a soothing way to calm you down. After a few minutes, you calmed down and managed to get a few words out. You then realize you still have the name tag. You hand it to Rosie and Rosie stares at it. She examines it and sees blood on it.

"I saw a mic staff too..."

Rosie immediately knew who the murderer was, but didn't say anything since she didn't wanna worry you. She handed you back to name tag calmly as she spoke.

"If you don't feel safe going home, you could always stay at the Hazbin Hotel. I could get one of my friends to pick you up."

You looked up at Rosie. You knew about the hotel. It was the first thing you learned about after you fell into Hell. You nodded quickly. The hotel was for redemption. Nothing could hurt you there!

"I'll go make a call, dear. You stay here."

Rosie walked off to the phone in the back. A few minutes later, Alastor walked in without his mic staff. He noticed that you were upset. As he walked past you, he noticed you were holding Vixen's name tag. He immediately knew saw the corpse. He didn't know if you knew he killed Vixen though. He started to walk in the back, where Rosie was.

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