The Date

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Your POV

Alastor took you out to a cannibal restaurant down the street. It wasn't exactly where you were expecting to hang out, but if it made Alastor happy you'd go anyway. You two sat down and Alastor showed you different types of cannibalistic meals. You ordered something called Venison? You didn't know what type of meat it was, but either way you didn't eat and gave it to Alastor instead. You two were laughing and talking. The thought of the murder came to your head again. It's been a while since it happened, and since you and Alastor were getting closer, you thought it'd be a good idea to ask him.

"Hey, Al?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Remember when we went to the alley a month ago?"

"I believe so, yes why?"

"I put all the clues together. The mic staff, the body, everything. The mic staff belongs to you and the body looked bitten out of. I don't know why the body wasn't there anymore or where the name tag went, but I do have one question. Were you the one that killed Vixen?"

Alastor hesitated before answering. He sighed and looked down. He looked back up at you with guilt in his eyes.

"Mmm, yes I did."

"Why though?"

"As you've probably already guessed. I'm a cannibal. Nothing appeals to me in Cannibal Colony anymore. So I used what was available to me in Pentagram City. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something other than venison. Vixen just so happened to be my next victim. When it comes to me being hungry, nobody is safe."

You thought about this for a second. He killed Vixen for... food. Nobody was safe. Did that include you? Was there times when Alastor thought about eating you?


Alastor looked up from his meal.

"Yes, dear?"

"Have you ever thought about eating me?"

Alastor thought for a second.

"I will admit, the first time you fell into Hell, I noticed you looking at the news through the display TV's. I did think about eating you then. Before I could even do anything, you walked into the crowd and disappeared. I was disappointed, but I did end up eating that night. Ever since, I haven't thought about eating you. Even if I was starving, I wouldn't eat you, my dear."

Hearing those words from him felt amazing. He wouldn't kill you even if he was hungry. Alastor put one hand over yours. You two interlocked fingers and looked into each other's eyes. You stared into his red eyes as they glistened in the restaurant lights. You felt a warm feeling. His cold hand sent shivers down your spine, but yet they felt warm and loving. You were both blushing. Both of you snapped out of it and took your hands back. Y'all sat there as silence filled the air until Alastor broke the silence.

"How about we go to the park?"

You nodded. Anything to get you out of this restaurant.

You both walked to the park. Alastor stopped at a rose bush. You smiled up at him. He picked a rose, but it wilted in his hands.

"If I could give you a rose without it dying, I would."

You then picked up a rose and put it in his hair. Alastor looked up at it and smiled. You giggled as you put more roses in his hair.

Alastor's POV

Alastor woke up with a raging migraine.

"Must've been the venison..."

It's been a few weeks since the Extermination. Y/N and Alastor had been getting closer. Alastor didn't know what he was feeling. It hurt him when he saw Y/N sad or hurt. What is this feeling? He can't possibly love Y/N. He could care less about anyone in the hotel. He feels warm around Y/N. Alastor shakes his head, trying to stop thinking of Y/N.

"Fuck... What is this feeling. I've never felt like this before..."

Alastor groaned and rubbed his head.

"Maybe it's just the migraine..."

Alastor walked out of the hotel to clear his head. Did he really have feelings for Y/N or was it just the venison. Alastor walked to Rosie's Emporium to visit Y/N and Rosie. Rosie greeted Alastor.

"Why hello there, Alastor. What brings you here?"

Alastor rubs his head and speaks in a very hoarse and tired voice.

"I have a raging headache. But you know, I come to see you and Y/N every time I'm here."

Rosie tilted her head.

"Alastor, it's Saturday. Y/N doesn't work on the weekend."

Alastor then started to think. Was Y/N in the hotel? Did he not notice her? Weird.

"Oh Rosie, it's been a horrible morning. I apologize for bothering you. I'll be on my way."

As Alastor was about to leave, Rosie grabbed Alastor's shoulder and spun him back around.

"Did you happen to tell Y/N that you were the one that killed the poor lamb demon?"

"Mmm... Yes the topic did come up.. Y/N is quite clever. Figured it out quite quickly."

Rosie shook her head.

"How did she take it?"

"Y/N wasn't that concerned. She didn't ask much about it, only if I would eat her"

"And what did you say?"

"I said I wouldn't eat her even if I was starving."

"That's good. You can go now. That's all I wanted to know."

"Goodbye, Rosie."

"Bye, Alastor!"

Alastor walked out of the building with his head throbbing in pain.

"What the hell do people put in venison these days. I swear, I'll find out who fixed up my venison and bake them into my next meal."

Alastor grumbled all the way back to the hotel.

Mixed Feelings |~Hazbin Hotel~|Where stories live. Discover now