The Extermination

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Your POV

You woke up to loud sirens. The sirens rang in your ears, giving you a headache. You walked out of your room, but Alastor threw you back in and closed the door behind him. You fell back into your bed. You were mad that Alastor wouldn't let you leave your room.

"Are you insane?!"

Alastor shook his head. You could tell he was worried. His breathing was heavy and his chest rose and fell as he struggled to explain. Something was pounding on the door.

"I can't explain, but you can't leave this room. You'll get killed. The Extermination was today. The rest of the staff is down in a bunker, safe. We knocked on all the doors, but when we realized you were missing, I ran back into the hotel, but I didn't know the angels had reached us. I promise I'll protect you as much as I can, but you have to promise me one thing."

Your heart raced with anxiety and fear. The Extermination was today? You don't wanna die! What'll happen if you do?

"What do you want me to promise"

Alastor pressed his body against the door to keep the angels out. Angels were outside and were seen on the windows. Luckily, the windows were practically indestructible. Alastor grunted as the door was kicked even more.

"Whatever I do and whatever I tell you to do, you won't complain or whine. You'll do as I say no matter what and no matter how bad it gets."

You hesitate, but you didn't have time to think. You nodded quickly. Should you trust Alastor? He's a cannibal. Alastor took out his mic staff. You recognized it. It was the same mic staff that belonged to the murderer of Vixen. You didn't say anything, but now you know who was behind the murder. Alastor spinned his mic staff around as he started to turn into his demonic form. Tentacles broke through the windows and wrapped around you in a ball-shaped form. You screamed, but the tentacles didn't stop. Angels broke into the room and started shooting and trying to kill Alastor. Alastor stabbed his mic staff through multiple angels and even bit some of them. Blood trickled down Alastor's chin and his suit. His suit looked ripped. You saw many dead angels on the ground. Your bed was covered in blood as well as your walls. Your floors were covered in angels corpses. Holy bullets, arrows, and knives were everywhere. You stared in horror as Alastor's voice started to sound more demonic and static. His eye pupils turned to radio dials. His antlers grew larger as he killed more angels. Blood reached you through the small hole. One of the tentacles stabbed through multiple angels at once. Then the tentacles dropped you on accident and Alastor immediately noticed. He snapped his fingers, but an angel had reached you and stabbed you in the thigh with some type of shot. Tentacles swarmed you once again. Alastor noticed the needle in your thigh and slashed every demon in the way. Alastor slashed the tentacles around you and grabbed you. He ran out with you in his arms.

"Fuck, why did I let this happen to you... Fuck me."

The injection seemed to have paralyzed you. You tried to talk, but you couldn't. You tried to adjust yourself, but you couldn't move. Alastor was starting to return to his regular demon self. He cursed under his breath as he shot angels that tried attacking the both of you. Alastor ran into an alley and you were both surrounded by angels from above and in front. Alastor growled at the angels to threaten them.

No one's POV

The angels moved aside as Adam walked towards Alastor and Y/N with Lute following behind holding a holy blaster. Alastor growled even louder. Adam laughed in his face. Adam demands with a wide grin.

"We don't wanna hurt you, Al, so just give us the doll face."

Alastor shakes his head.

"Over my dead fucking body."

Adam shrugs.

"Suit yourself"

The angels took cover and Adam blasted the laser at Alastor and Y/N.

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