Merry Christmas!

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Hello sweet peeps,

Author-san is coming to you today from a tiny, ancient, stone cottage in the middle of absolutely nowhere in South-Britain. It has two floors, unless you look out of the small window, then you see it's actually been built into the hill. 
Anyway, it's Christmas today and I'm expected in a minute to join in festive cheer, so I thought I'd post a little oneshot and wait with the next chapter of Broken String until Wednesday. Instead you get my best wishes for all. Whether you'd like to hear "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Hanukkah!" or "Joyous Kwanzaa!" or simply "Happy holidays!" or something else or even nothing at all: you get it with hugs from me. 

And should these days be hard for you, because you're not well in some way, or alone, or missing someone or you just don't like holidays, even more hugs from me. Or drop a message below so we can all send you hugs. 

Thank you all for reading, writing, starring. I love your comments and how much of a little community we are.



Broken StringTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon