45 // Long Distance

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Knox stirs awake to find the other side of the bed cool and empty.

He's tangled in brightly colored blankets that don't match those he's used to sleeping with back at the clubhouse. He frowns at the absence of Everett's familiar warmth. Panic sets in for a split second, a reflex born from months of shared space and whispered promises, but then he remembers where he is—Everett's house.

There isn't any danger, not yet at least.

Knox figures Everett is likely up and about doing something with his father. The thought replaces Knox's frown with a soft smile knowing that he successfully obtained Gary's blessing to be with his son.

One parent down, one more to go.

Pushing off the comforter, Knox swings his legs over the edge of the bed and shuffles towards the bathroom. He chuckles to himself while admiring the meticulous organization of Everett's toiletries, each item neatly arranged on the sink's spotless countertop.

A quick shower and mint toothpaste clear the final remnants of sleep, which brings Knox back around to the fact that he has no idea the kind of chaos—if any—today will bring. But what he hopes is to be able to spend more time alone with Everett.

Knowing their luck, the mini vacation they're on is bound to end at any minute.

Wrapped in a towel that barely fits around his waist, Knox wipes away the fog on the mirror, pausing at the sight of the now healed stab wound near his belly button. A grim trophy from his nearly fatal scuffle with Ghost.

Nothing like a kitchen knife to the gut to help remind you just how short life truly is.

Not many have come close to being able to end Knox's life like that. He's still pissed at himself for not being at the top of his game that night. Another wrong move and Everett would be in The Jackal's possession right now instead of The Fallen Angels.

Snap out of it. That bastard is dead and you're still alive. Everett is still alive. That's all that matters.

Reaching for the hairbrush, he stops midway and is snapped back to the present by the ringing of his cell phone. He curses under his breath while exiting the bathroom, water droplets trailing down his tanned skin.

He picks up the phone on the third ring, the caller ID flashing Gavin's name. "Yeah?"

"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to keep you in the loop of what's been going down over here."

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