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(- Him as the badboy of  the university)

A low gasp escapes your gape as you felt a chin propping itself on your shoulder while you were searching for the next volume of your current read in the library.



"What are you doing? It's a library!"

A low chortle escapes his gape as he retreats himself from you before leaning once again, but this time before your face, close enough to make your breath hitch as you pull yourself back a little.

"So you're saying I can do this when we're somewhere secluded?" He lowly whispers, eyeing your lips making you feel some way but you were too shy to admit it.

"I-I never said t-that."

You curse yourself for shuttering at this point as you avoid any eye contact with him while he smiles a little before retiring his figure straight. He brushes his palm over your ebony locks. You peek at his face to find him smiling warmly at you.

"I love you." He blurted nonchalantly leaving you flushed before leaning against your ear and whispering,

"And I'll wait till the day you say it back, Princess. No matter how long it takes."

You take a deep breath as soon as Taehyung leaves, you don't know you were holding back for how long. This is the Kim Taehyung effect. It's been six months since Taehyung confessed to you. He never asked you to answer right away. In fact he gave you enough space and time to rethink your feelings over and over again.

He is practically every girl's dream boy and he can date any other girl who sets to be the perfect match for him, but for him no existence can be prettier than you. Only if he could make you see yourself through his eyes, he could let you realize how much of a perfect creation you are.

And he can go to any extent to win your heart.

You settled down on a chair in a less crowded area of the library before opening your notebook to take notes. Your mind would divert towards him as you tried to focus more on the topic of your study. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves down.

Has it always been like this? You remember the day he proposed to you after winning his basketball match, in front of the whole university. You didn't answer a word to him but instead ran away covering your face out of embarrassment.

Poor Taehyung, thinking he might have made you uncomfortable, apologized to you a thousand times until you asked him for some time. His face was worth watching after hearing you. His eyes were wide open with jaw hanging low. And within a second his face was flushed red.

Even you anticipated that you had superpowers to even make the 'bad-boy' shy. Never in his wildest dream did he think that you would even consider his feelings and ask for some time. He even prepared himself for your rejection for the whole previous night. But your actions left him stunned.

A chuckle escapes your lips, unknowingly, gaining a few attention from your surroundings, but you were quick to regain your posture. You are one of the most studious and quiet girls in university who was adored by the professors and envied by the students.

Apart from academics, Taehyung was another reason for this abhorrence. Since the day he confessed, he never let any harm touch you, causing him to involve himself in numerous fights with his fellow batchmates for stating anything offensive about you.

He even warned every guy not to even try to approach you. Hence the number of people around you lessened even more, which you never really cared about. The less chaos the better. You could be honest to say that you were lucky to have him, at least as someone who cherishes you dearly.

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