Sleep & nightmares

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Nico stood in the kitchen, washing dishes. Kids were asleep, Will was working at the kitchen island, and Nico found the silence relaxing. He often liked doing the dishes. The water warmed his cold hands and the soap was fun to play with. Will grumbled over his work of grading Health papers. Nico stopped his work and looked at Will. Will noticed the water stopped and looked up.
"What?" he asked, knitting his eyebrows together in that cute way he does when he's confused. Nico smiled.
"Nothing, amore mio. I just like looking at you," he said, turning the water back on to rinse the dishes. Will stood up and walked toward Nico. He wrapped his arms around Nico's waist and rested his head on his shoulder. Nico smiled as he dried the dishes. He finished and turned in Will's arms. They both leaned in for a kiss until there was a loud scream from upstairs. Both men ran up the stairs, Nico grabbing Jason's old coin on the way. He flipped it into a sword and they burst into Bianca's room, expecting to see a monster. Instead, they found a sobbing Bianca di Solace. Upon seeing her dads, she ran into Will, wrapping her arms around him tight. He bent down and stroked her head, shushing her. Nico flipped the sword back into a coin, and knelt down next to his daughter.
"Hey, tesoro, what happened, baby?" he asked.
Between sobs, Bianca said, "I-I had a b-bad dream. It was scary daddy!" She broke down crying again. Nico heard Michael screaming and crying as well, so he stood up and walked to his room and to comfort him.
After quieting the baby a little, he went into the living room to find Will holding Bianca on the couch. Nico handed Will Michael and pulled Bianca into his lap. He began to sing to them all. It was late and everyone was too tired. Michael and Bianca fell asleep quickly, and eventually Will was snoring with them. Nico gently lifted up Bianca and laid her gently in her bed. He then picked up Michael out of Will's arms and laid him in his crib. Exhausted, he went back to Will on the couch and snuggled up. Will smiled in his sleep as Nico's warmth was pressed into his side.

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