Chapter 22: Boars and Drums

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The drum beat twice, changing the rooms the group was standing in.

Tanjiro and the little girl were transported into a huge room with traditional orange lights and worn-out cupboards, and Zenitsu, (Y/n) and the boy were transported to a random corridor.

"What happened...?" Tanjiro thought. "Is the room changing or are we moving?"
Tanjiro looked around to find the others but realized it was only the two of them in the oversized room.
"(Y/n)... she's gone," he panicked. "Oh no. I have to find her right now. What if she-"

Tanjiro was jolted out of his thoughts by the sound of crying. The girl was sitting on the floor, crying in fear. Tanjiro sat down in front of her.
"I'm sorry that your brother was separated. I promise we'll find him," he gave a comforting smile. "You don't have to worry about a thing. (Y/n)-Chan is going to protect your brother."
The girl nodded.

"What's your name?" he asked.
"So you're Teruko. You have a pretty name," he smiled.

The sound of heavy footsteps started to echo in the room as soon as Tanjiro finished the last sentence. A demon appeared in front of the room's door. Tanjiro covered Teruko's mouth just as she was about to scream.
"Out of all the other scents, this one is the most pungent. He must have consumed a lot of people."

"If those things... If those things didn't mess with me, I would've gotten it," the demon growled outside the room, facing the corridor.
"Teruko, stay quiet and don't shout," Tanjiro removed his hands from Teruko's face. "The rooms can move, so don't go outside here." She nodded.
"Stand back and hide behind the cupboard," Tanjiro instructed and Teruko did as she was told.

"Damn it. Damn it. I smelled two of that blood in this house. I came across one of them but couldn't get it. I caught him myself but they took it." The tall, muscular, demon possessed grayish skin, reddish hair, and pointed ears. His stomach, shoulders, hips, front chest, and back all had drums protruding.

"That's extremely irritating. There are two marechis here. I couldn't even get a single one," he grumbled.
"Marechi... he's talking about her," Tanjiro realized. "I need to find (Y/n). I'll torture anyone to death who hurts her."

"I found him in my territory, so he's my prey. Those monsters are just a bunch of uncouth intruders. I'm so pissed off."
"If they're monsters, then what are you?" Tanjiro unsheathed his sword and pointed it toward the demon.

"And who on earth you may be?" the demon growled and looked at Tanjiro.
"I'm Tanjiro Kamado, a Mizunoto-ranked Demon Slayer. I'm the death of you."


"(Y/n)..." Zenitsu's voice trembled. "I have to tell you one thing before I die."
"Zenitsu, I told you you're not going to die!" (Y/n) scolded for the third time.

Zenitsu ignored the girl. "You're very pretty, you know that? I can't die without making sure that you know you're pretty as hell."
(Y/n)'s cheeks turned a faint shade of pink as she was a bit taken aback by the sudden compliment. "Er, t-thank you..."

"Can you guys stop flirting?" the 10-year-old boy said as he looked at Zenitsu and the girl with a deadpan look. "We have a problem at hand. My sister vanished."
(Y/n) cleared her throat, embarrassed. "Sorry."
"No!" Zenitsu cried out. "I wanna get out of here."

"Zenitsu, I repeat, you are NOT a kid. We have to find the demon, kill the demon, then go to find Tanjiro, and then the kid's sister."
"My name is Shoichi..."
"...Right. Shoichi's sister."
"It's Teruko."
"Shoichi's sister, Teruko." (Y/n) sighed.

Make You Mine (Yandere!Demon Slayer x Fem!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang