Chapter 3 ~ Shots Fired

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Elsie sat down at a bar table staring her unopened bottle of water in the face. It was the night after their first shift and their group had gone out to celebrate. Jackson and Lucy were on the stage doing karaoke so it was just Elsie and John at the table. John was having a pretty rough time after he responded to a domestic voilence call and a man died in his hands. The whole thing felt worse for john due to the fact he and Bishop responded earlier that day and the man hinted that his wife hit him but john didn't act on it. Lucy tried giving him a little pep talk but Elsie knew he only said 'Thank you' so they would stop talking about it. As for Elsie, she couldn't stop thinking about the window incident. She didn't understand why she did it. Of course she did it to save the boy but she could've kicked it or literally done anything else. She didn't know what came over her in the moment to use such a dangerous method. She couldn't get the sound of bradford telling her stop out of her head.

"Need help opening that?" John's voice broke her out of thought, refeering to the unopened bottle of water staring her in the face and her wrapped up hand

"Oh, thank you" Elsie sighs as he slid him the bottle

"Whats on your mind Els?" John asked as he slid the bottle back to her with a smile

"Nothing" She lied. She didn't want him to think she was crazy. Sure, she did it to help a little boy, but breaking a window with her hand was kind of dramatic.

"C'mon Eslie, don't you lie to me" the off duty cop insisted

"It's just about my hand" She sighed once more

"Is it hurting you?" he replied, worried that she was in pain

"No no, it's just I don't know what came over me in the moment y'know?" she said as she paused and took a sip of water of all the methods I could have used I chose to use my fist, knowing it would hurt, knowing it damage it"  She added

"I can't tell you why you did it. I belive thats something you have to figure out on your own. All I can tell you is that you saved a boys life today Elsie, be proud of that" He said just as Jackson and Lucy sat back down.

"yep" she whispered to herself


The next day at roll call the groups sat in their same seats as yesterday and Stg. Grey walked in walked in with a frown.

"I just got a disturbing video. Never seen anything so horrific" he started " so prepare youselves" he stats as he clicks on the tv and a body-cam video starts playing.

Within secounds Elsie knows what is it. Its the video from the arrest they made yesterday. More specificly of Nolan getting stuck in the gate. Elsie can't hide her smile as she watches the screen "Such grace and athleticism has never before been seen in the LAPD" Grey says as he walks towards nolan.

"Is that a gazelle wearing the blues?" Grey asks turning his attention back to the screen "Or a dinosaur from a long forgotten age" he laughs

"Now you will see Officer Denesco execute a perfect flying tackle" Stg. Grey says as the room gives their applause causing Elsie to smile "alright, funs over" Grey adds

"This is a BOLO for Mr. Lance Sebly, man who violated his parole yesterday. Scale from 1-10, this guy's a 12"  "Did a nickle fot attepted murder with a claw hammer. So whoever gets him off the street will get a sincere handshake and... Super Bowl Sunday off" He adds as all the men in the room go crazy.


"I've decided on your punishment" Bradford says as they pull into a parkling lot

"Excuse me, punishment for what?" Elsie asks with sass

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