Chapter 9 - Help

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Tim just looked at Anderson before asking "What?". Anderson sighed before she walked out leaving tim alone in the office. He knew he had to do something. His boot was clearly upset.

When Elsie got into her car she just gave up. Her heart hurt and she felt empty. Her best friend had betrayed her and now her career war most likely over. It was now dark out and Elsie opened a winow so she could let some fresh-ish air inside her run down car. Elsie sighed as she pulled out and drove into the L.A. streets. She wanted to cry, but she was cold. She looked like a robot.

Elsie drove down the streets and saw a sign for a liqour store up ahead. She didn't think it through as she pulled into the stores parking lot and slowly walked inside. "Hello mam, how can I help you tonight?" The man at the register asked.

"I need some beer" Elsie replied as the man pointed her to the back of the store. Elsie walked back and grabed two, six packs and one bottle of wine before she walked back to the counter and waited in line.

"This is... a lot of beer" The man paused silently judging Elsie. "Oh, I'm having some friends over tonight" She lied. The man nodded and asked for her ID. Elsie look young. There was no denying that. She smiled and pulled it out of her wallet and flashed it towards the man "Alright" He replied. Elsie payed and walked back to her car before she began to drive home.

When Elsie got back to her apartment she placed the bags on the counter and changed out of her work clothes and made her way back to the living room to get as drunk as she legally could.

It wasn't long before Elsie was drunk. Like drunk, drunk. She had music playing and was halfway through her newly bought supply. Elsie was sitting on her couch watching ' The Notebook ' sobbing as she would take a sip from either the wine bottle open on the coffee table or the beer bottle.

Once Elsie finished the movie she was an emotional wreck. Elsie got up the grab another beer bottle and she noticed a pair of scissors lying on the counter when she got an idea.

Elsie grbbed the scissors and walked over to her kitchen sink which had a mirror above it and sectioned her hair. While crying from the movie she watched, she cut her hair to shoulder length. Once she cut the first section she started crying harder. Elsie evened out the chops and watched as her hair fell down into the sink. Elsie dropped the scissors and walked back to the couch.

Elsie had gotten off at work at five and it was now seven. She had been lowkey blacked out for about an hour.

Finally but lets face it, thankfully, Elsie had the last beer and just stared at the twelve bottles and one bottle of wine on the coffee table. After some deep nonsense thoughts, Elsie got off the couch and went to the bathroom and saw her bathtub looking extra comfy.

Elsie was so out of it. She was stumbling everytime she would walk. She walked into her bedroom and grabbed a pillow and blanket and got comfy in her new bed. She rarely drank. Elsie knew how bad  it could be when under the influence. Elsie was once grounded for three months because she was twenty minutes late coming home from school because she was out drinking in a field. Which looking back on it Elsie only got grounded because her parents relied on her for their survival.

Tim worked a little longer that night finishing some paperwork and such. He knew he had to check on his boot. Whatever happened between her and his boss was big, and he couldn't wait for Elsie to tell him. As he was thinking about how he could get a hold of Elsie's address, Lucy was just about to leave but Tim spotted her and called her over.

"Lucy! Come here" He called across the station causing her to flash a confused look before making her way over to him. "What is Denesco's address?" He asked abruptly. Lucy cocking her head out of confusion and scoffing.

The Boot: A Tim Bradford love story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora