Chapter 8 - Snitch

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Elsie took a minute to proccess what lucy just told her. She leaned back on her crutches. "Excuse me?" Elsie's voice cold, dry. "You have had three weeks. That is more than enough time. And Angela told Jackson who then told me that Tim told her that you said your dog knocked over a vase, Considering that you don't have a dog im willing to bet it had to do with..." Lucy paused. Elsie knew exactly what she was hinting at. "I'm not doing this" Elsie said as she placed her bag on her shoulder and began to crutch her way out of the locker room. Before she could fully exit, Lucy grabbed her arm to stop her. Elsie jerked herself away.

"You can't get mad at me Els" Lucy began to plea. "Oh I can't? Your trying to stand here and tell me I can't get upset about you threatening to out me to our boss?" Elsie enraged at this point. "I'm just trying to help! Look at you! You are hurting yourself because you can't control yourself" Lucy tried to justify her actions. "Your right. It wasn't my imaginary dog, it was you!" Elsie snapped, yelling at lucy, who took a step back at Elsie's sudden change of tone. "You kept nagging me to tell Grey the point that I lost it. I threw a glass cup at the wall. You don't get to stand here and tell me what to do. You weren't the one who's life just got ruined! You didn't just get diagnosed with the thing that you were most scared of!" Elsie paused, she realised she was yelling. She took a deep breath "So don't tell me how to handle it" Elsie's voice low. The angry kind of low. Elsie turned back around and began to crutch away, brushing past Lucy's shoulder as she does so.

Elsie saw Jackson and Angela talking. Most likely about work or somthing. "Hey do you want a ride home?" Jackson paused his talk with Angela as he asked her. "No" She said coldly as she continued her way out of the station. Jackson was caught off guard by Elsie's behavior. "Hey Els, wait up" Jackson jogged up to Elsie who was struggling a bit to open the the doors to the parking lot. Elsie didn't say anthing back. "Here Els, let me get that for you" Jackson said with a smile.

"Don't" She replied before finally getting it open and making her way to her car. Jackson looked at her as she did so. Why was she being so rude? Had he done something? He sighed before walking back over to his T.O.

Elsie relly hadn't thought her dramatic crutch-off through. She was sat in her car, debating if she should risk driving with her foot or not. "I've got nothing to lose" Elsie chuckled to herself as she reversed out of the spot she was in and began driving home. Elsie was pissed, she knew Lucy was only trying to help but Elsie wanted to punch her in the face.

Elsie face planted onto her bed a let out a loud scream of anger. Elsie glanced over at the digital clock on her wall and saw it was 7:30. She took a deep breath before she got out of bed and slowly walked to her fridge in hopes of finding something she could microwave.

After some moving things around and throwing out moldy foods, she found a box of frozen pizza. She slowing walked over to her oven to begin cooking the pizza.

Elsie sat down on her couch, with Remy scurrying around the couch next to her as she ate and reflected on her day. She came the the conclusion that her day was shit. Elsie also came to the conclusion that is was Lucy's fault. Elsie loved Lucy. She loved all her friends. But lucy was acting like Elsie was a danger. Maybe she was. Maybe Elsie could snap at any moment and go on a whole killing spree and get a season of 'American Horror Story' based on her crimes.

Elsie started to question if she was a danger. She didn't think she was, but she didn't think she would contract her mothers sickness. She also didn't think her best friend would turn on her. Elsie wasn't sure of anything anymore.

Realizing it was already ten-thirty, Elsie put Remy back in his cage, and put away her dinner trash. Still on edge and stressed, she began doing the dishes to try to calm herself down.

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