Chapter 2 : Patience and Mothers

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Fucking annoying people!!! Patience....

Fucking annoying people! You ask them to do one thing, and somehow, they completely mess it up and end up doing doing whatever the fuck it is that they want. I'm starting to get done with this bullshit!

The way I was fuming, I felt like any moment, I was going to get up and break the fucking table. God, I need a break! Turning away from the bullshit-filled report on my desk, I got up and walked to the glass wall of my office, overlooking the traffic below and displaying the ocean beyond, and tried to take a few deep breaths. Come one, Zaviyaar, calm down. Nope, not working. I'm fucking fuming.

I looked at my reflection on the glass, witnessing the bulging veins, visible on the sides of my forehead and my clenched hands. I looked tense. I felt tense. God, I feel done. Why do people never follow instructions which, mine you, are so fucking simple! Ok, I'm getting worked up again. Enough work for today, I need to stop. Deep breaths, come on.

When the deep breaths didn't work, I stopped trying those and just simply looked outside. It seemed like it was going to rain today. Backing off from the wall, I opened the door leading to the balcony outside. The second I opened it, cold, refreshing air zoomed inside, reducing the warmth in my stifling office. I left my phone on my desk and moved out to lean against the wall.

The slight warmth from the sunset sun and refreshing wind from the upcoming storm really helped distract my mind from exploding due to anger. It all looked beautiful... the mixing shades of orange, red and yellow along with the rain-filled clouds, all aided in making everything seem even more beautiful. Views such as this came too far and few in between work for me. Usually when I'm angry or have a few minutes in between work and meetings is when I finally open this door. Otherwise, I either forget to relax or am too busy to do so.

Today, I was supposed to receive the annual report of the expenditures of each department. While most followed the directions and made proper, readable reports, others thought it would be fun to mess with my head and send complete and utter garbage. Like, how did you get appointed as the head of a department in my company when you can't even file a proper report? I'll have to look into this matter but for now, I can't deal with any more stupidity.

Handling an entire company by myself is not as easy as some might think. I have to deal with idiots way too much for my liking. Interacting with such people makes me wonder how they even got their degrees in the first place. The first few years I was handling work were the toughest. People thought I would be easy to manipulate, to disrespect but they forgot who raised me. My father did not just raise me to take over, he raised me to rule, to protect and one day, expand our company.

It didn't take me long to prove my worth and show them their place. Turns out, destroying one competitor completely was enough proof to others to not underestimate me. In my opinion though, it was an adequate demonstration. They're the ones who challenged me, undermined my authority and ability. I had to show them somehow. Anywho, it's not as if I burned down his company, I just took it over and made it better than he ever could. Ah, fond memories. Just remembering their faces as they found out their company's shares were dwindling made me chuckle.

The ringing of my phone snapped me out of my memories and back to reality. I realised the sun had gone down, and it was dark out. Plus, my breathing was also back to normal. Guess taking a break was all I needed. The constant ringing caused me to go check who was calling at this hour. Seeing my mother's name on the caller ID made me groan and want to break something all over again.

"Yes, mother?" I spoke in a cold voice, so as to dissuade any chances of prolonging this conversation. Although, knowing my mother, she probably wouldn't care and just go on as usual, not caring about anything else. Just take deep breaths and it'll be over soon.

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