Chapter 9 : Coffee Meetings and Fuck Ups

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Coffee Meetings and Fuck Ups

The next morning, I was confused when I saw that there weren't many pictures from the event last night. The only pictures that were published were of guests and not a single one was of the couple sitting on stage. Ayesha is going to be pissed...

Before leaving for office, I decided not to have breakfast at home, as I didn't want to face Mama. I might not be saying anything to her but I am definitely upset. How does one even forget about their own daughter?

Last night, by the time I came downstairs with Baba and Huzaifa, the Khans had already left. I felt bad because Zaviyaar got hurt because of me. I just hoped he was okay.

I heard Ayesha slam her room door pretty hard after she came down. I thought about going to her room and apologizing, but then realized I hadn't done anything wrong. If she didn't want her groom to leave the stage, she probably should've given him a choice regarding this wedding.

Mama and Baba's fight regarding Mama's actions had gone on for a long time last night and only ended after Baba left their room to sleep in the guest bedroom. I knew because Baba and I had another one of our late-night talking sessions; this time with tasty instant noodles and nuggets, yummy.

While working, my eyes kept drifting to the clock, waiting for it to strike 4. I had decided to skip lunch as well due to unexpected nausea so Diego had asked me to go home early today and rest. I was thankful for his leniency and made sure to thank him.

I was thinking about letting Baba know about me leaving early but that would only cause him to worry. I was still contemplating what to do when my phone dinged, alerting me to a text.

'Hey, This is Hashim. I just got free and maybe we can get that coffee? I'm near your office so what do you say?' Damn it, I forgot I agreed to this. I groaned as I put my head down on my desk, regretting ever agreeing to this stupid meet-up. I wanna go home already.

"Hey, you good?" Arham's voice broke my trail of thoughts as I tilted my head to look at him.

"Yeah, I just have a meet-up scheduled with someone and I don't really wanna go," I mumbled, getting upset by the prospect of being away from my bed for even longer.

"Why don't you delay it then?" He sounded confused as he asked,

"I would but he'll only keep pestering me till I go. It's better to get it over with right now when my patience is still present." Ugh, I don't wanna go...

"Hmm, then if you have to go there right now, get some dinner as well. You haven't eaten anything Since God knows how long." Right on cue, my stomach grumbled.

His statement made me remember that the last time I ate was at lunch, yesterday. I had noodles but they were barely filling. I missed today's breakfast because of Mama, lunch because of my nausea, and yesterday's dinner because of...

Remembering last night's situation put me in a daze. Zaviyaar's strong arms covering me, protecting me... his gentle voice as he comforted me... and most importantly, our close proximity.

No! I shook my head and quickly got out of my chair. I looked up, and the time to leave was here. I shot Hashim a reply, telling him where to meet before running out of there.

Bad Imani! That's wrong, instead of thanking him for saving you, you're thinking like a stupid immoral person! That guy is your brother-in-law and you need to give him the same level of respect as well.

As I stood in the elevator to go down, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. If I can't control my thoughts then I need to stay even further away from him, that would be best for everyone.

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