3 / Sabine Hates Hiking And Edward Is A Stalker

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SABINE THOUGHT EDWARD WAS STUPID. Sure, she'd called him stupid plenty of times, but that was playful sibling banter most of the time. In retrospect, Edward was probably one of the smartest people she knew - other than Carlisle. Even when Bella first started her torment on his mind, he'd been somewhat rational about it.

But now? Now he really was just being stupid.

After the van incident, Edward thought it best to keep Bella away from him - tell her they can't be friends, make her hate him, the works - so he doesn't do anything else that would reveal his true identity. Soon enough she'd forget all about it and all would be well. Obviously when formulating this plan, Edward forgot to take into account the fact that he literally cannot stay away from the girl for more than a day at a time, and was already back to chatting her up like, two days later. But then Bella made the grave mistake of inviting him to La Push beach, an offer he had to decline for...obvious reasons.

These past few weeks make Sabine wonder why they don't just leave Forks. Sure, Edward would be pissy for a couple years, but he'd get over it.

Only problem with that was; Carlisle loved Forks. They'd lived there once before, like seventy years ago, before moving to Alaska and then coming back again. It was the perfect setting for a vampire - no sun, plenty of woodland to hunt in, plus it wasn't on many maps. He always raved about how they would always come back, no matter how many times they had to leave and wait for the population to reset.

Sabine wondered if this ordeal might have changed his views on the rainy town. Maybe he'd be less inclined to come back, now that all it would do is invoke memories of that one time Edward had a crush on a human. But the more time went on, the less it seemed like a One Time story, and the more it seemed like change. A big one.

For a while, she was in agreement with Edward - avoid either one of Alice's visions coming true by taking a whole new path. It was the easier option. But she should've known that nothing was easy when you were related to Edward Angst Cullen.


"Are we bringing tents this time?"

Rosalie scowled from where she stood by the kitchen island, "We better be."

The Cullens we're going camping! Or hiking, or whatever. They were going away, was the point. The weather in Forks was actually nice for once, the sun peeking out of the clouds and shining it's rays on the usually wet town, which meant they had to get as far away from it as possible.

"I don't get why we have to go hiking." Sabine muttered, slipping on some boots, "It's not like anyone knows where we live, we can just camp here until the sun goes away."

"Just because we can't be out in the sun around the humans, doesn't mean we have to avoid it at all costs." Esme smiled, "This gives us a lovely chance to see the mountains now the view is clearer."

"Also," Jasper said from where he had appeared suddenly beside her on the sofa, "the deer herd during the summer. A nice lovely buffet."

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