9 / Truth Be Told, I Lied

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                    ON THE 20TH OF AUGUST, 1950, SABINE BROKE UP WITH HER BOYFRIEND. And when her family asked why, she lied. When her soulmate came into her life, she pretended not to know him. She lied.

Every day. For twenty thousand, two hundred and ninety-five days. Sabine lied. But now, on March 14th, 2006 — all those lies were about to come to light.

Sabine was acting as Alice's personal mannequin when it started. She was stood in the middle of the living room in their little safe house, arms raised while her sister poked her with pins for a new dress she was making. Rosalie watched with an amused smile and Jasper read a book silently on the other side of the small room. There wasn't much to do in their cabin.

Then, Alice let out a guttural gasp, "Bella."

"What?" Jasper questioned, "What about Bella?"

"She just — she just jumped off a cliff." Was her muttered response, "I need to — I need to go."

She didn't waste any time in standing, packing her stuff and preparing to leave. She stopped at the doorway, looking back at them before she left, "I won't be long, I promise."

"Okay." And then Alice was gone.

Then the phone rang.

"Oh my god, what now?" Rosalie groaned before retreating into the kitchen. Sabine and Jasper stood in silence waiting for her.

She often thought about telling him. When they were alone, and the cabin was quiet. She thought the charade had gone on long enough, that he deserved to know why Dale was after him, not her. Give him a chance to leave, get away from them while he still could. But she never did. She was a coward.

Rosalie returned, "That was Edward. Carlisle managed to get a hold of him and told him what was going on."

"What did he say?" She asked desperately, removing the pins and letting the dress fall loose on her.

"Asked if you were okay. Told me to tell you it was time, or something. Whatever that means."

She knew what it meant. She needed to tell him, and she would.

The blonde sighed, "Whatever. I'm starving, and I heard a mountain lion earlier so..."

"Go." Sab nodded, "We can hold the fort while you're gone."

Plus it would be easier to spill the beans if she wasn't there to listen.

"Awesome." She grinned wickedly, speeding off.

Sabine and Jasper were alone once more, and there were the thoughts again. She shook them off, going into the bedroom and changing back into her comfortable clothes. When she came back out, Jasper was still on the sofa, immersed in his book. This was probably the only time they'd be alone together for a while, and if she wanted to get it out, it would have to be now.

She pursed her lips, "Jasper, I need to tell you something."

The blonde looked up at her casually, and upon sending her nerves, stood and walked over to her, "What? What is it?"

THE WRAITH / J. HALE حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن