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After a while, the plane landed at the airport. The excitement fulfilled me and I just could not wait to get off.

The warm air and beaming sun greeted me as I stepped out of the plane, so tremendously desperate to go out and explore.

I didn't even bother talking to anyone, I just ran into the airport, looking around at the grand size of it. God, It was so exciting being in an airport elsewhere.

I had just realised how much I have been missing out on.

The place was warm, warmer than Seoul, and even looking around, it was less clustered, more free and just in general, looked better.

The second I left Jeju Airport, I saw the washing waves smashing across the soft sand. People were running across the sand, smiling, laughing, sitting and talking.

I stood there, with my small suitcase, a pure smile stained on my face. This place was gonna be the place that changes me forever.

Even the air here smelt nice, it was a taste of fresh grilled seafood, along with the salty scent of the sea. It felt heavenly, being away from a bustling city like Seoul for once.

I walked around, wandering aimlessly with no destination. I had no idea where I was nor where I was going. I just walked wherever my feet took me, along with the rolling of my suitcase wheels.

I looked around, I don't think I've seen such a clearer place before. The houses weren't huge tall skyscrapers, they were cosy two storey homes, decorated outside and seemingly inside.

Doors were left wide open, for anybody to just simply walk into, and at first, I was astounded at the confidence, but the people here looked so pleasant, so I wasn't really surprised.

I made my way over to a convenience store, the bell ringing as I entered with my suitcase. I didn't know where to go, so I stopped by a store to pick up some food and drinks just in case I'll have to camp out for today.

I grabbed a few small snacks, along with some water and made my way up to the cashier.

"That'll be..." He typed some stuff up on the cash machine, the price propped up on the screen. I was about to tap my phone, trying to pay by phone, but the guy just looked at me, confused.

"Do you guys not accept online pay?" I asked, I definitely looked like a tourist, but regardless, he gave a small chuckle with a smile.

"Oh, no, cash or card only." He grinned and I felt a little embarrassed, pulling out my card and handing it to him.

After paying, I grabbed my stuff, heading out and pondering some more. Up until I found a small dock, it was empty, no boats or anything. I sat down on the side of the dock, swinging my feet across the water.

I took my shoes off, finally dipping my feet into the water. It was cold, but in a refreshing way.

This felt nice, I could be here all day just doing this. I swung my legs back and forth, finishing the snack I had bought, I stared at the water, stretching so vastly across the island.

Wow, this place was seriously unreal, I almost couldn't believe that I was actually here - somewhere far away from advertisements on billboards and an obscene amount of pollution.

I stood up, standing right on the edge of the dock and peering into the shiny waters. They swayed ever so gently, so timidly, the water was clear and a deep, passionate blue.

I could even see my reflection if I looked close enough, the tender waves of the water distorting my reflection. I smiled, this was a good choice.

But the dread sank back into my heart as I realised I would only be here for twelve weeks. I was here for the summer, that was it.

Nonetheless, I tried to brush the thought away. I should be happy I am here right now, and best believe, I would enjoy this experience to the fullest.

I found myself still staring at my reflection, wobbling slightly as the cool, calm breeze of the wind hugged my body tightly, brushing through my hair.

A voice suddenly yelled, running close to me. It was a guy, he had blonde hair, and was desperately running to my direction.

"DON'T!! DON'T JUMP!!" He was yelling, and as he ran freakishly quick, I lost my balance, wobbling and trying to save myself horribly.

At this rate, there was no saving me, and instead, I just grasped for his arm mid fall, causing us both to fall into the water.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now