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We sat in the diamond prisons waiting for the two to come in. "You sure this'll work?" He asked "I hope so" I replied. Then they came in. Me and Floyd gave eachother a reassuring smile. I felt my face heat up at his smile and we closed our eyes. If this was going to work we had to stay 100% lifeless.

Suddenly Velvet picked up my bottle "hey hello? Hello in there! Wake up! Wakey wakey! Oh. She's dead. Well we have another one" she shrugged "he's not looking so great either" Veneer replied nervously. "Oh." Velvet said "they're dead!?! Oh man what have we done!?! What do we do!?!" He yelled in a panic. "Do you remember the goldfish that you had as a kid?" Velvet asked "you mean sparkles?" He asked

A few minutes later I opened an eye slightly to see the lid was off! And we were right over the toilet. Me and Floyd looked at each other and knocked ourselves out of their hands! "Run!" I yelled at Floyd as we began to run!

We ran down the hall "help! Help us!" I yelled then from behind us I saw Veneer! "Floyd! Watch out!" I yelled as I saw a puddle up ahead! Too late. We began sliding down the corridor! I looked forward and continued to run! "Help! Help us!" I continue to scream! Then I saw a small opened window! I ran towards that and fell out!

As my diamond prison landed it still didn't break! It finally stopped moving once it hit a tree. I sighed trying to process what just happened. We did it. WE ESCAPED! I stuck my head through the open lid and managed to pull myself out. "Floyd. We just did that! I told you plan would work! I knew it- Floyd?" I asked as I turned around. He wasn't there. "okay Floyd come on out, I'll help you get out of the prison." I laughed. Still nothing. "Floyd?" I asked sounding more panicked. I spent 5 minutes looking for him. Nothing. I had left him behind.

Floyd POV:

"Floyd watch out!" Y/N yelled! Then we began sliding! Then from behind us I saw Veneer! One of us was making it out. And I know it wasn't going to be me. Suddenly Venner grabbed me and tried to go for Y/N! "Please Veneer. Just let us run past you, you can pretend you never saw us. It'll be our little secret" I said. Hoping it would but Y/N time and he would let me go. "I- I can't" he said to me. "I know. Velvet would kill you. But just because she's your sister doesn't mean she should treat you like garbage!" I said to him. "Doesn't it?" He asked. What has Velvet done to him!?! "No. Sibling or not you deserve to be treated with kindness and to be around people who would never try to change the you that you are." I said. I was speaking the truth. But I was also hoping Y/N got out. "You got him! You got 1 out of 2? Eh we only need 1 anyway. You know I don't say this a lot but good job" Velvet grinned as she held out her hand. 'please Veneer!' I thought "we really make a good team don't we bro" she grinned. Then Veneer handed me over. "now come on, we should also probably hire a new assistant which feels like a you job" she said to Veneer "CRIMP! HIRE US A NEW ASSISTANT!" Veneer yelled. Man I hope Y/N is okay.

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