Chapter Four

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Belinha had refused each time they attempted to get her to eat with them. She ended up eating in the kitchen with the other maids and tried to be as proper and polite as possible even though all she wanted to do was slurp the food down and lick the plate clean.

She hadn't had a filling meal like that since she was a child. She had not had a proper meal at all sometimes. Her belly felt heavy, almost as if it was not even a part of her body. She tapped it with the palm of her hand; surprisingly it stayed silent. No more hunger waves itched away at her like a bad disease.

How long had it been since she had felt hungry? she thought. Her smile faded as she thought of the family. It is a trick, she thought as she tried to find the 'Duchess'. They must have some ulterior motive.

She headed back down the hall when she saw the Duchess sitting in the parlour room, staring out the window. Belinha stood before her with her hands wrung. The older woman looked up and the crease eased.

"Louise," she said, a smile framing her petite face. "I'm glad you're here. I was getting bored of being bored." She gestured for Belinha to come with her who hesitantly obeyed. The Duchess clicked her tongue. "Companion, not follower."

Belinha jogged to hurry beside her. The Duchess, surprisingly, hooked her arm through hers. No one of status willingly touched people like me, she screeched in her head. Wouldn't she get condemned for doing so?

She wanted to pull away and tell her that it was not a good idea, but going against the wishes of the master or mistress of the house was never tolerated well. So she remained silent and stiff. The Duchess then led her upstairs and as she was beginning to get dizzy on the spiral stairs, they came to a stop outside the large doors.

It was not the same room she hid in before. This was closer to the stairs and had engraved golden handles.

The Duchess sighed, not making a move to open it. Belinha frowned. This must be the room her husband lay in, she thought. "I am...sorry," she said, not used to speaking willingly to those that were of higher status. "About your husband."

"You heard." Belinha hung her head. "I'm not trying to accuse you. Let's just say I still haven't processed any of it." She forced a laugh, tugging them both back down the stairs. "Actually, let me show you your room. That's the exciting part!" She was getting a room for herself? Not an area outside the house on hay? Belinha thought it excessive but now that she was mistakenly considered as the personal companion, she figured it would be best to play along now. Still, the guilt transferred to each step toward the large wooden door near the front.

The Duchess excitedly threw the door open. Belinha hesitated at the threshold and glanced over her shoulder. She did not think this was real or if it was appropriate at all, but the Duchess only waved her inside with a grin.

So Belinha did. It was only when she did that she fully understood the world she had been transported to; it was nothing like the slave quarters she was used to. No mud floors, hay or straws as makeshift beds. It was a large room with green walls and hardwood floors covered by a pink and ivory Aubusson rug with various patterns.

An oakwood armoire stood against the wall opposite the bed with an oversized bedframe. The bed was a four-poster canopy with pure wood; the headboard had three hoops, covered by a thin, white lacy fabric which also flowed on either side from the top of the canopy down to the floor. A bundle of white pillows with gold trimmings stacked up against the headboard.

A dressing table with small drawers and a wood-framed mirror in a curved design, with brushes and lotions located on this dressing table, stood next to the bed. A small open-backed chair, with a well-padded seat of a pale floral and foliate motif with interwoven gold cotton sat beside it.

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