Chapter Twelve

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A/N: a long chapter lol

That night, after Lord Beau and Lord Caldwell had retreated from their horse ride, was one where the Duke and Duchess' friends arrived. The manservant held a silver tray in one hand and pushed the curtains of one of the rooms aside for the family to enter.

"Lord and Lady Blackwood, Lady Harriet and Lord Weston," he announced.

The Duchess rushed over to them, both husband and wife battling grim lines.

"I'm sorry I did not pay an earlier visit," whispered Lady Blackwood, squeezing the Duchess' hands.

"You're here now, Charlotte, and that's all that matters to me."

Their children Lord Weston and Lady Harriet paid their respects before venturing off to Lord Caldwell and Beau, respectively.

Lady Blackwood was a beautiful woman with blonde curls and porcelain skin that tinged red at her cheeks as she swiped at the tears that traced down. She and the Duchess embraced, whilst Lord Blackwood stood outside the Duke's door, glaring at the floor.

Their actions told Belinha that they were extremely close to one another. As family, perhaps.

To give the Duchess some privacy, Belinha helped the other servants set out the table and the tray of food to be served at dinner. She was an expert in doing this very quickly and efficiently—after all, she was Sir Pablo's mother's very own maid.

She noticed Lord Caldwell with Lord Weston in the drawing room as she pushed the tray over to the dining room, overhearing their conversation.

"—if only Devonport could join us, he could tell you to quit your feeble attempts at making jests."

"As if I'd listen."

"You would were it to come from him."

"Perhaps." She heard Lord Caldwell sigh. "He was called upon though I was told they were plagued by some uninvited guests."

Belinha continued pushing the tray, guiding it down the hall and into the dining room. Her mind seemed to calm as her and the other maids did their jobs in a comfortable silence, the sounds of utensils clinking echoing in the high ceiling room.

As she headed back into the servant's quarters downstairs, she glimpsed figures in the front garden from the double doors. Lord Beau and Lady Harriet. They headed into a little maze garden that shielded them from the public eye.

It was clear to her that Lord Beau did not seem to like her or accept her. Though the prejudice of being different plagued her, she did not think that was the reason. After all, his mother was not British. As he was the Duchess' son and Lord Caldwell's brother, it was best if there was a positive atmosphere between the both of them.

Hurrying over to them, she cleared her throat. Be composed and do not act as if you are there to pry, she schooled herself. She did, however, hear part of their conversation as she entered through the maze.

They were seated on the bench, right under a willow tree that hung over their figures. The hedges around them made sure to cocoon them safely, except for the entrance and exit where Belinha stood.

"—I only wish father would wake up soon," she heard him say. "The house is dreary and not even Richard's jests can mend the atmosphere."

"I am sure he will awaken, Beau. Believe in him."

Belinha had not realised that Lord Beau could see her from where she stood.

"May I help you?" came the hostile voice. His green eyes flickered and she jerked. Sir Pablo's permanent sneer came into mind. He would not inflict punishment, would he?

The Lord and his Lady (Forbidden #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon