Chapter Sixteen

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"Oh my god, you're covered in mud!" came the shriek from the Duchess as she hurried Belinha inside.

"And she smells like a wet dog," piped up Beau from the living room chair.

"Beau," scolded the Duchess. "What have I told you?"

"What? It was merely an observation, mother."

Belinha didn't bother to correct or ignore whatever was said. She was too busy shivering as she was ushered inside by the Duchess. Even with the fire rapidly licking away at the crisp cold air, it was as if it had already coiled its tendrils deep around her.

"I-I'm fine, my lady," she said through chattering teeth. "Lord Caldwell is in a worse state."

"Richard?" she repeated. "You found him?"

"He was helping Lady Margaret with her coach. He'll be home soon but he offered to take her home first."

"So long as he's okay then it doesn't matter. The weather here is unpredictable and who knows when the flood is going to come here? Plus people can get sick at the most random times. I don't want to risk that with Richard, you know?"

"I understand," said Belinha.

The Duchess clenched and then unclenched her jaw before blinking, coming back to reality. She then took a step back and at Belinha again, taking her in from head to toe.

"But how in the heck did you get so dirty?"

Heck? She didn't bother asking. Belinha only wanted to sink into that hot bucket of water that she was able to dip in every night. She could only imagine the warm water kissing her faded scars better and enveloping in warmth that she otherwise would not know of.

"Louise," came the voice again, ripping her from her thoughts.

"I attempted to help Lord Caldwell in getting the carriage out of the mud, but I overcalculated my steps and..." she gestured to herself, "slipped."

Beau snickered from a few feet away but the Duchess ignored him, creases of worry further evident in the way she deeply crinkled her forehead. "You didn't need to do that. I may overly worry about Richard but you don't need to step in and help him out or anything. I wouldn't want you to get hurt in the process."

"It wasn't painful, my lady, really! It was—" She was about to say fun but then backpedalled. No, she couldn't say that, if she did then surely she would be questioned. "—the right thing to do. I couldn't stand by and let him and the poor footmen do all the work while I came back here."

"You're sweeter than I gave you credit for. And as heroic as you are, clearly it didn't work out for you, now did it?"

"It was worth it, my lady."

"Now go freshen up. I'll get some of the maids to bring some hot water, fresh clothes and towels for you. You must be insanely cold underneath all that."

Oh, she was! How she wanted to clap with glee at the thought of giving into her thoughts. Trying not to run upstairs like a little kid, she forced her feet to take one slow step after the other, wincing at the squelching of water and mud in her shoes.

"I'll clean this up once I've finished my bath, my lady."

"The only thing you need to worry about missy, is taking a bath."

Belinha obeyed and hurried over to her own room. She waited for the maids, the mud on her drying and tightening her skin with each second that passed.

A knock on the door gave way to that release in her chest. "Come in," she said softly. When they made no move to enter, she said a little bit louder, "Please come in."

The Lord and his Lady (Forbidden #2)Where stories live. Discover now