Chapter Four

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I was wasted, I had called up my friend Veronica and talked her into going downtown for some bar hopping. We had started off at our favorite place, a restaurant that had an entire menu of different martinis and a few other types of drinks. Usually we got one from there since they sent the martini out with a shaker that was still half full but I was on a mission tonight, get drunk then get fucked.
When we made it to our next place, a small bar that had a restaurant downstairs and then an upstairs lounge area where they would have live music we got ourselves two shots and a tall glass of water. We listened to these girls sing for a couple songs while the drinks we had took effect before heading out.
    "Let's go to the concert place." I suggested while crossing my leg over the other with each step I took. I was wearing my black boots with thick wedge heels, they made me feel tall but also safe enough to walk while intoxicated. Vericona or Ron as I called her eagerly agreed and took my hand in her while we giggled down the brick road.

Our town was a busy one on the weekends. The area I lived in was more quiet then the main town and it was a twenty minute drive to get here but it was worth it. I loved the history of it all and the beauty in all the old architecture. The concert place which I could never remember the name of was this open area surrounded by walls, above it were tall trees that had white lights twisted between the branches. They had a bar that served beer and a few other drinks and some long benches for people to sit at and enjoy the movie. A few tables with barstools were scattered around and we were lucky enough to catch one.
Ron went to grab us some beers while I listened to some local band start playing a cover of a Journey song. I wanted to dance, I always did when I was drinking but Veronica was not a big fan of it. I usually ended up dancing circles around here till she gave in.
She returned with two clear plastic cups with some sort of drink. I took mine from her and took a long sip right as a new band came on and I heard the opening notes to my favorite Jack Johnson song. I turned to look at Veronica who was already frowning at me, she knew how much I loved this song, knew how it was almost a crime for me not to dance whenever it came on.
"Please!" I begged, grabbing her empty hand.

"Maze, don't you dare give me those eyes." She was already setting her drink down on our table, it didn't take much to get her to give in.

I twirled her around in a circle and got a laugh out of her and a big smile over her face as my hands fell over her shoulders. Other than Lucas she had been my closest friend, she had come with me traveling when I went on my surf trips, had been there when I went through heartbreaks and stood by my side as I grieved Lucas. She and him had never been as close, they were two different friendship circles but always got along when they both came to something for me.
She'd been the one to pick me up from the airport and hold me at his funeral while I fell apart. She was the one I called at night after Toby fell asleep and the stress of it all got to me, the fear that I wasn't enough for him and that he would be better off being raised by someone else. She was also the one who made me feel like the carefree little girl she once was. The two of us spun and dipped, dancing like fools until the song ended and we were both giggling and out of breath. I noticed a girl nearby who had her phone out, recording us.
I went up and asked her to send me the video, I had gotten used to being recorded without permission and while most times it was annoying when the video came through my instagram I smiled and posted. Rebecca would be happy to see I was finally using the app again, much better then when I drunkenly posted a picture of me winning a wet tshirt contest.
The two of us stayed there for a while, talking a lot and dancing every once in a while when a song I couldn't resist came on. At one point I got a text from Seth, asking if I was still downtown. He and some of the guys he worked with were down here drinking and wanted to meet up. I pushed my phone in Ron's face letting her see the text, she and Colin had a will they won't they thing going on and I knew he was most likely with Seth. She nodded eagerly and I texted him back.

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