the trial and Sakura airi

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Location student council office

Kanaki pov

Today is the day of the trial, it has many benefits for me as I got 150 thousand points but the biggest reason is I will get the chance to expel three class c students. It would mean we would get to know what happens if someone is expelled.

" we will now begin the trial"

A short purple hair girl standing beside the president spoke personally.

" class c is the victim of a attack from class d student Sudou "

" the victims may speak "

" we called out Sudou to talk when he suddenly attacked us.

The middle one spoke.

" what that's a lie"
Sudou seemed outrage that they would lie so he spoke his opinion without much thought.

" quiet "

The presidents spoke for the first time in the trial.

I needed to speak fast before they declare Sudou guilty.

" excuse me can i speak in defense for the accused."

The president nodded as my clue to talk .

"Earlier, you said that Sudou-kun called you over to the special building. But who exactly did Sudou call, and why?"

I waited as even though they will get more time to think and answer it would put pressure on them for a longer period than just a short time where they can mess up it would only be a chance for which is better, i believe that the safer option would be to just wait.

"Kondou and I don't know why he called us over. When we'd just finished up for the day and were changing, he said he wanted to talk to us for a minute. Wasn't the reason just that he didn't like us?"

" so then, why exactly were you in the special building, Ishizaki-kun? You're not on the basketball team, so you have no connection to this case. I'd think your presence there would be rather odd."

"That's... I came as a precaution. There were rumors that Sudou was violent. He's also in better shape than we are, physically. I had to go, didn't I?"

"So in other words, you felt the situation might turn violent?"


They said it together it may have sounded cool to some but it sounded really lame.

T see. So you brought along Ishizaki-kun as your bodyguard, since he was reputed to be rather good at fighting. Just in case there was an emergency."

"It was to protect ourselves. That was it. Besides, we didn't know that Ishizaki-kun was known for being good in a fight. We just considered him a reliable friend."

i may not fight but i know there is a higher chance to win if you have more people.

"Because we didn't intend to fight."

"The primary factor in triggering a fight is the collision of the 'energy' between opponents. In the event that you don't have any intention of fighting, or that you're nonviolent, the probability that you'll be hurt should be very low. Especially when there are three of you."

"That way of thinking doesn't apply to Sudou-kun. He's exceptionally violent. Even if we were nonviolent, he'd still be mercilessly violent. That's what happened."

He is mostly just using his injury to get an advantage .

"Are you finished with your claims now, Class D?"

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